Thursday, March 25, 2010

MARCH 25, 2010

How has it been a week already?  I'm shocked at how quickly the time is flying by, and I just don't know where it's going.  Oh wait - I suppose I do.  :-)

It's been another busy week, though it's mainly been personal family things.  All good, though.  Levi's been home all week, which is such a nice treat.  He has been so good baout helping me this week, which has been a life-saver.  I had my fillings put in on Tuesday (five of them on the right side), and I didn't do well with it.  Well, I think I did well, but the pain and discomfort and exhaustion and stress kicked my butt, and Tuesday night I was lucky to stay upright until bedtime.  Yesterday resulted in pain, a LOT of discomfort, and a massive headache, which led me to go home early and try to sleep it off.  It worked, but now I'm dealing with fighting a cold that I trying like all get-out to take up residence in my lungs.  I don't know that I'll have a voice for much longer today or tomorrow, which should be interesting since I'm having a big party at my house tomorrow night.  Hmmm.....I FEEL okay, just can tell that my body is fighting off something.

On that note, my mug is filled with hot tea and honey, I have been taking my vitamins and sleeping as much as possible, and I am diligently putting up the good fight.  :-)

This weekend is a CCA meeting, which I'm looking forward to.  Honestly, it's been nice to have a break from the advocacy work.  While I absolutely love working on the advocacy stuff, sometimes having time without the focus being on the cancer gives me such great perspective and such energy when I do jump back into the fray.

I've spent time over the past month or so working on the house, decorating.  It's been a leap for me, as you all know.  I've posted in the past about my fear of painting the house.  I am terrified of this.  So, I did the next best thing (in my opinion) to make the house our home - I put up curtains.  In EVERY room.  Well, almost - tonight I have to hem up the ones for the office, but we now have curtains in the living room, kitchen, and all bedrooms.  Office will be done tonight.  I have the kids rooms' set up with decoartions on their beds (including matching bedspreads, curtains, etc.), slip covers/pillows in the living room, a new bedspread/pillow set for the master bedroom, and all kinds of wonderful things to make our house a home.  I am beyond excited about this.  Levi asked if I was pregnant and nesting - nope.  Just happy to be able to pay our mortgage and feel like we will be in our home long-term.

So.  Exciting.

Now that I'm done *nesting*, I'm really looking forward to the next couple of months.  The time of year is always SO beautiful in Arizona, and I cherish the cool mornings and warm afternoons.  I love the blooming plants (though the allergies aren't as happily welcome...), the color on the streets and in the fields, and the sun rising as I drive to work.  Just beautiful.

Julia's birthday is coming up next month.  Hard to imagine that she's going to be 8.  I'm thinking that we'll do a small party at the house or at a local park, but nothing too extravagant.  Kevin's birthday is shortly after, and I think we are planning to have a joint Kevin/Mom/Levi/me birthday celebration, since Mom and Dad are planning to head back to NY in early May.

It's so nice to be living life again.  I've been thinking a lot lately about my situation, where I've been, where I've come from, and where I'm headed.  It's been reallynice, and I'm so happy to be where I am. 


Miss JRenae said...

Hi Michelle-I came across your blog from Kim's page. My hubby is a firefighter for the same city as Deron. I also noticed you are a patient of Dr.O, too. I have been her patient for almost 5 years and my mom has been her pt since 1996.
:) Just wanted to say hello-Keep up the fight and together we can all make a true difference.
Jamie D.
April 2, 2010 at 9:59 PM

Thursday, March 11, 2010

MARCH 11, 2010

Didn't want you all to think that I had forgotten to update you - I've been swamped with things going on, and haven't had time to sit down at the computer and update.  Suffice it to say that the bike run was a rousing success, DIBD was bigger than I could have hoped for, and that I am SO looking forward to a couple of days off!  :-)

This weekend will be spent hanging with the kids, (maybe) seeing Levi (he's been working a LOT of hours, but it supposed to have Sunday off), and hanging curtains in the house.  I'm hoping to head back to Ikea tomorrow to pick up the remainder of the curtains for the living room and peruse through some for the office, the kitchen (I found a fabric I love for the kitchen but I would have to make the curtains and I don't have the patience, talent, or, well, patience for that), Kevin's room and the office.

Yes, I'm settling in.  Paint choices are next.  Are you proud of me?


Whidbey Woman said...
How wonderful it is to get back into the daily routine of life, and to feel well enough to do things like pick out paint. So happy for you!
March 12, 2010 at 9:06 PM

Friday, March 5, 2010

MARCH 5, 2010

Are you wearing your blue today?

I am - it's Dress in Blue Day!  I'm wearing my blue Colon Cancer Ass-Kicker tee shirt (with Ass covered with blue painters tape, for work, you know), blue jeans, and black shoes (I didn't have blue ones appropriate for here).  And, I painted my nails blue.  Yes, I did.  (Julia and I both did - she gets such a kick out of that stuff!)

This morning, I got up and headed down to the television station to be part of their morning show - it was an invitation that I couldn't resist.  In spite of getting up late (my alarm was set for 3:15 PM rather than AM - duh!), I made it there in plenty of time.  It was pretty cool, getting to see the inside of the station, seeing what happens there, etc.  I was nervous - this wasn't going to be like the other times, where my interview is pretaped and I could get away with stammering, stuttering, etc.  Nope - live and in person, no re-dos.

Apparently, I was acceptable.  I haven't seen it, so I can't critique myself (probably a good thing).  I was impressed with the questions they asked, and their interest in the various details and stats.  They seemed genuinely interested in what was happening (they have personal relationships with people at the station that have battled this disease or have family that has), and that made it a whole lot easier.

Overall, it went well.  Over on another station, Shelia (one of my "board" buddies) was on with about 20 of her fellow bikers, making an impression.  So very cool.

It was a hell of a start to Dress in Blue Day!


Nancy said...
yes i am wearing blue and so are all the grandkids......I will have pictures later...misty said school looked awesome.....thanks for being there for Joey and guiding him the directions he needs to take.
March 5, 2010 at 5:15 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Blue sure beats pink.
Yeah, any day!
March 5, 2010 at 8:19 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Glad you had a good time!!! Been thinking about you lately - happy to hear all is well :)
March 8, 2010 at 7:36 PM

Thursday, March 4, 2010

MARCH 4, 2010

Here is the link to the interview that finally aired last night.

Unbelievable.  I don't think I have words to describe how proud I am of how this turned out.  It's amazing....


Jeannie said...
That is awesome! I'm sending the link to friends.
March 4, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Blogger Daria said...

You go girl ... what a awesome job for sure.
March 7, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MARCH 2, 2010

SO adorable, and so important. Please send to all your friends and family....


Nancy said...
ok so I had to get the word out and I posted it on my facebook....
March 2, 2010 at 4:39 PM
Blogger 假日的 said...
good~ keep sharing with us, please....I will waiting your up date everyday!! Have a nice day........................................
March 3, 2010 at 5:44 PM
Blogger Daria said...

That is cute and simple ... gets the point across.
March 6, 2010 at 7:45 PM

Monday, March 1, 2010

MARCH 1, 2010

If you're reading this blog, you know how passionate I am about spreading colon cancer awareness.  This month, I will eat, breathe, and live colon cancer awareness (well, for a bit, anyways....).  March is Colon Cancer Awareness month.  This means that, as a nation and as a people, we need to continue to talk about this disease, break down the walls that surround it, and get people to realize that just because it deals with poop doesn't mean it's taboo to talk about.

Starting the month off, I went to the website of the station that interviewed me last week, and lo and behold, on their front page is a link called "
Colon Cancer Awareness Events."  Right on!  And, I expect a call today from Kari letting me know when my interview will air.

So cool!

As soon as I have the information for the on-line link, I'll let you all know.  Meantime, if you are local to the Phoenix area, please tune into KPHO (Channel 5, at least for me) for the 5 and 6:30 newscasts tonight.  Apparently, Sean McLaughlin is intro'ing my story.  Nice!

And, don't forget that Friday is Dress in Blue Day - PLEASE encourage your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, kids, teachers, acquaintances, strangers on the streets and your local community to dress in blue on this day, and help us raise awareness about colon cancer and, eventually, eradicate this disease once and for all!