Thursday, March 11, 2010

MARCH 11, 2010

Didn't want you all to think that I had forgotten to update you - I've been swamped with things going on, and haven't had time to sit down at the computer and update.  Suffice it to say that the bike run was a rousing success, DIBD was bigger than I could have hoped for, and that I am SO looking forward to a couple of days off!  :-)

This weekend will be spent hanging with the kids, (maybe) seeing Levi (he's been working a LOT of hours, but it supposed to have Sunday off), and hanging curtains in the house.  I'm hoping to head back to Ikea tomorrow to pick up the remainder of the curtains for the living room and peruse through some for the office, the kitchen (I found a fabric I love for the kitchen but I would have to make the curtains and I don't have the patience, talent, or, well, patience for that), Kevin's room and the office.

Yes, I'm settling in.  Paint choices are next.  Are you proud of me?


Whidbey Woman said...
How wonderful it is to get back into the daily routine of life, and to feel well enough to do things like pick out paint. So happy for you!
March 12, 2010 at 9:06 PM

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