Friday, March 5, 2010

MARCH 5, 2010

Are you wearing your blue today?

I am - it's Dress in Blue Day!  I'm wearing my blue Colon Cancer Ass-Kicker tee shirt (with Ass covered with blue painters tape, for work, you know), blue jeans, and black shoes (I didn't have blue ones appropriate for here).  And, I painted my nails blue.  Yes, I did.  (Julia and I both did - she gets such a kick out of that stuff!)

This morning, I got up and headed down to the television station to be part of their morning show - it was an invitation that I couldn't resist.  In spite of getting up late (my alarm was set for 3:15 PM rather than AM - duh!), I made it there in plenty of time.  It was pretty cool, getting to see the inside of the station, seeing what happens there, etc.  I was nervous - this wasn't going to be like the other times, where my interview is pretaped and I could get away with stammering, stuttering, etc.  Nope - live and in person, no re-dos.

Apparently, I was acceptable.  I haven't seen it, so I can't critique myself (probably a good thing).  I was impressed with the questions they asked, and their interest in the various details and stats.  They seemed genuinely interested in what was happening (they have personal relationships with people at the station that have battled this disease or have family that has), and that made it a whole lot easier.

Overall, it went well.  Over on another station, Shelia (one of my "board" buddies) was on with about 20 of her fellow bikers, making an impression.  So very cool.

It was a hell of a start to Dress in Blue Day!


Nancy said...
yes i am wearing blue and so are all the grandkids......I will have pictures later...misty said school looked awesome.....thanks for being there for Joey and guiding him the directions he needs to take.
March 5, 2010 at 5:15 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Blue sure beats pink.
Yeah, any day!
March 5, 2010 at 8:19 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Glad you had a good time!!! Been thinking about you lately - happy to hear all is well :)
March 8, 2010 at 7:36 PM

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