Monday, July 23, 2012

JULY 23, 2012

I was going to post a long, detailed description of my trip from the past weekend, but I don't have time.  I almost forgot I have an appointment this morning at CTCA.  :)  So, a quick update.

This weekend was amazing - I attended the Colon Cancer Alliance's National Conference, and it was an inspiring, informative, and amazing experience.  I met so many people (survivors, caregivers, etc.), and it gave me hope when I needed it most.  At one point, the moderator asked for all stage 4's to stand up, and it was overwhelming to see how many of us there really are out there.  And, so many of them were under 50 - I hope someone got a picture.  It was a moment.  I cried.....I didn't know what else to do.  Happy tears, at not being alone.  Sad tears, that I had to stand up at all.

This weekend was inspiring, and informative, and overwhelming, and amazing.  There just aren't enough words to tell you (quickly) about this weekend.

I'll update more on that in a bit, but I'm definitely more motivated than I've been in a while to take what I know and what I've been through and use it for good.  I'm hoping I can help someone through their own battle.

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good.  Anxious about this week, since I have chemo on Thursday.  I'm hopeful that I can tolerate it fairly well, since it's been three full weeks since my last round.  And, I'm hopeful that I've only got two more rounds.  It will likely be more, but I'm hoping.  We'll see.....

I'm going to talk with my team about going back to work in the next couple of weeks, on a part-time basis.  I need to get back to it, for a few reasons.    

All right, off I go.  I'm well, and more optimistic than I've been in a while.  I suppose meeting other people in a similar situation (and being surrounded by such optimism and positivity) will have that effect.  It's a good feeling, and one I hope I can maintain for a while.

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