Thursday, July 5, 2012

JULY 5, 2012

Ok - I had plans to update the blog while I was in NY.  I had my laptop ready and waiting.  I deserted it, except at night, when I used Netflix to help me fall asleep.  I was too busy spending time with my family and friends.  It was awesome.

I'm home now.  Sitting in chemo right now, getting pumped full of drugs meant to stave off nausea.  I met with the med-onc team, and got some amazing news.  My CEA levels (again, those are the protein markers in my blood that *for me* are a good indicator of whether the cancer is at bay or trying to come back) are down to 0.9.  That's the lowest it has been.  Ever.  As in, it has never, ever, in all the times I've been tested (since May of 2008) been that low.  Awesome.  Dr. Granick was so happy - he walked into the office with a HUGE smile on his face and brandished the chart they provide with glee.  It was adorable, and so needed.

I've been struggling the past couple of weeks, and this news helped.  I'm just tired.  Tired physically (apparently, the chemo is causing fatigue...), tired emotionally.  When I talked with my team today, we are going to take some steps to try to combat the fatigue.  And, I'm seeing the mind/body therapist next week to help with the other.

I'm just tired of this fight.  I want to get back to normal, for whatever that will mean.  So, I need to continue fighting to get there.  I know it.  I'm just tired.

Anyways, NY was amazing.  The two "Rallies for Remission" we had were fabulous - I saw a ton of people that I haven't seen in way too long, and got so much support.  So many hugs, so much love.  It was awesome.  

Back to chemo talk....again, we got some good news today.  According to Dr. Granick, we know the chemo is working based on the CEA level and the fact that I have the rash so badly.  So, I suppose there's something to be said about that.  :)

I am going to go on Ritalin to help combat the fatigue.  Well, that, and working out.  Here's hoping the combination helps me wake up during the day.  Yikes - right now, I'm just exhausted all the time.  Apparently, this is a common thing.  They have had good luck with this, so we'll see what happens.  They also gave me a script for another lotion to put on my skin and head.  Not much else can be done about that.

Crap - was hoping this would be a longer post, but I'm starting to get sleepy.  Benadryl via your IV makes that happen.  So, I'm off to nap-land, and will try to update more tomorrow.

Keep on sending those good vibes, etc.  I need them....


natteringnic said...
What?? How dare you abandon your blog in the name of fun and family??? *wink* Yay on the good news! I'm reveling right along side you! And I'm sure you've heard this a zillion times but you look just like your Mom! :)
July 5, 2012 at 2:54 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

July 5, 2012 at 4:31 PM

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