Friday, July 6, 2012

JULY 6, 2012

Sorry I couldn't finish the post yesterday - when that Benadryl hits, there isn't much that can hold off the sleep.

Anyways, there were a few things I wanted to add from yesterday's appt.  As I said, the dr seems very pleased with the results from the first round of Erbitux.  Apparently, this is a very targeted kind of chemo, and it seems to be working as well as (or better than) expected.  This is very. good. news.

We talked a bit about the new side effects from the Erbitux.  I keep forgetting that I'm continuing the Irinotecan, and as that builds in my body, the side effects are going to continue to get worse.  I talked with the dr about the fatigue, which is getting worse.  He has given me, of all things, Ritalin to battle the fatigue.  I'm not happy about taking yet another rx, but it has to happen.  I need to be able to get back to living in-between chemo treatments, and the fatigue is wearing me down more and more.  I'm hoping this will help.

In addition to that, we are adding another lotion to the bag to try to help with the itching and redness from the Erbitux rash.  Here's hoping that it helps, especially with the stuff on my scalp.  I think (right now) that is the worst....the visual rash is pretty bad (and bound to get worse), but the itching on my scalp....argh.  That's awful.  But, it's also a direct reflection that the chemo is working, so I can't complain too much.  I guess.  Well, I'll complain here.  :)

We talked about trying to wean me off of a few of the meds that have been helping me with the neuropathy.  That seems to have backed off, so we are going to see if that causes it to start to come back.  In talking with the naturopath that was covering for Dr. Adam, she seemed to feel that I was on a *lot* of meds, and it couldn't hurt to go off a few, to see what happens.  We can always add these supplements back in, if needed, so there's not really too much concern.

Other than that, things are pretty status quo, which I suppose is a good thing.

Chemo yesterday was rough.  They had trouble getting blood return from my port, which always makes me nervous.  Normally, when they access my port, they don't have any issues getting blood return.  Past two times, I've had issues.  If it happens again, I think I'm going to ask for a port study.  I just want to know what's going on.  Apparently, in talking with other survivors, this isn't an uncommon thing.  That doesn't make me feel any better, but it helps a little.  We know that the chemo and fluids are going where they need to, b/c I can still taste and smell the saline flush (blech).

In addition to that, I was just exhausted leaving chemo.  Nausea didn't help.  I've been fighting low-level nausea all day.  Once again, snacking seems to help.  Well, it helps the nausea, not my weight, which has gone up, again.  *sigh*  But, in talking with everyone, this isn't an issue to deal with now.  Making sure I maintain caloric intake is the key.  Once I'm back in remission, I'll work on losing the weight.  Again.

Stupid cancer.

All right....I'm going to try to take a shower and get *another* nap.  And, maybe eat lunch.  Yeah.  Maybe I should try that first.  LOL!


Tina said...

I've had trouble with my port too, off and on over the years. It's been good recently, but when I did have trouble it was mostly positional (meaning I had to lay back, turn my head, hold my breath, whatever!). Sometimes they needed to put in the "roto-rooter" stuff to clear the clog. I'm assuming they've tried all this with you too. It is common, but for sure ask for the study, if you think you need it.
I don't remember if it was you or someone else who was recently talking about the awful taste from the saline flush. I may have told you that I plug my nose during the flush and that helps a lot. This last time I tried a mint and didn't plug my nose (which was very hard to do--I had to keep putting my hand down because it's such a habit after 3.5 years!). The mint worked well--there was a moment of "yuck" but it cleared up fast and there was no yucky taste that lingered. So I think I will do that from now on. I absolutely hate that taste!
I'm so happy for you that this new chemo is working! The SEs suck, but sounds like they are manageable. Hope all continues going well, and you can get a break from it all SOON!
July 6, 2012 at 5:02 PM

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