Thursday, February 25, 2010

FEBRUARY 25, 2010

Thanks goes to my friend Patty at work, who created this for me. Yes, I'm having tee-shirts made.  Will post a picture when I get them. 


Whidbey Woman said...
Very cute!
February 27, 2010 at 4:13 PM
Blogger Daria said...

I like it!
March 3, 2010 at 8:06 PM

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FEBRUARY 24, 2010

I just got off the phone with my Aunt Nancy - she's the one who made me the amazing Undy quilt.  She called to tell me that the high school is planning to wear BLUE tee shirts next Friday, in celebration of Dress in Blue Day!

I was in tears when she told me.  How cool is this?!?!?!  I can't wait to hear more about it - I am so grateful for her efforts to further this cause, and I am just beyond excited that we might make an impact on one person - that's all it takes to save a single life.

Love you, Aunt Nancy! 


Nancy said...
oh inspire me to do what what little I can for this fight.I sure do wish I was able to do more.and I LOVE YOU MICHELLE
February 24, 2010 at 11:42 AM


The media blitz (or, what I hope will be the media blitz) has begin for Central AZ's advocacy in March - I got a call today from a local television station looking to set up an interview regarding Colon Cancer Awareness month.  AWESOME!  I am so excited - while I do enjoy being on tv (um, sort of), I truly get a charge out of knowing that people watch this and we MIGHT have an impact on a single person.  Isn't that what we all fight for - to make a difference?  I know I do - and, I will take all the help I can get.

Here's hoping that we can get some coverage for our bike run next weekend *gulp* and continued support for the Undy in October - let's end Breast Cancer Awareness month by turning the streets of Phoenix BLUE!!!

Ahem.  Sorry.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I do have another health blog that I've started - the link is on the right hand side of this page, but it's also 
here.  What started out as a way to keep me accountable to the internet regarding my workout schedule has morphed into a way for me to inform others of my struggles as I train to run in the Undy 5000 on October 30 (tentatively scheduled).    It's not an easy journey, but neither is cancer.  What's running 3 miles compared to months of chemo, surgery, nausea, exhaustion, etc......blech.  Running - please.  I can handle that - or, I will be able to, soon.



Nancy said...

awesome news sweetie...I will pray that one of the tv stations will cover this and more to come..loves
February 24, 2010 at 12:40 PM

Monday, February 22, 2010

FEBRUARY 22, 2010

Working out regularly has many benefits.  There is the sheer goodness for your body - the loss of unnecessary fat and jiggle.  The increased strength and stamina.  The increased energy.  The mental clarity.

The bad thing - the pain.  My legs are SO sore.  Not enough to stop me, but sore.  Yikes....

Working through the pain.  I keep telling myself - this is going to be SO worth it when I cross the finish line.....


Heat said...
Working through it is good, as long as your workout is less intense on the days that you are hurting.

And remember that muscles grow and get stronger when they heal, not when they're working.


I'm proud of you for what you're doing!!
February 22, 2010 at 2:58 PM


Shirts that I think you should all look at....a good idea if one was looking for an ideal gift for someone battling this disease, either actively, passively (by living as a colon cancer ass-kicker), or supporting someone with colon cancer.  Fabulous!

A good question.

My motto.

I'd use a different word, but 
this works for me.

This isn't arrogance.  It's truth.

That's better.  (Oh, I totally want this one....)

IT'S NOT PINK!!!!  ('Bout freakin' time....)

Hmmm....I might have to invite 
this one to be my date at the bike rally...

My personal note to cancer, though I'll change "person" to "woman."  Other than that - perfect!

And, finally, I'm thinking I might order 
this one, for Kim.  Well, for me, but in honor of Kim.  It just seems right. 


Vanessa said...
Cancer is really dangerous. You can not really get rid off this. But you can do something to prevent its severeness. And that is through autoimmune diseases kits. These will really help.
February 23, 2010 at 1:39 AM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Michelle, I love these! Thanks for sharing. They brought a smile to my face. Some of them I had never seen before. The shirts would be great to wear for Blue Day in March.
February 23, 2010 at 6:11 AM
Blogger Sagar said...

Breast cancer and Ovarian Cancer institute provides information source on Genetically Based Cancer, cancer organizations, researchers, governments and those diagnosed to improve outcomes in breast and ovarian cancer.
genetic cancer testing
February 24, 2010 at 6:20 AM

Thursday, February 18, 2010

FEBRUARY 18, 2010

This morning, I signed up with an organization called  They are dedicated to training cancer patients and survivors who are interested in running a 5k.  What's nice is that these folks are survivors themselves (at least, I know Hanna, who I've been in contact with is), and they understand the desire and even more importantly, the physical needs.

They generally do their training in person, but all of their groups are in DC.  Doesn't work for me.  So, I'm doing it remote, so to speak.  I am going to have access to the same trainers and support groups, but it will all be tracked online.  I think this is going to be really good for me, as I'll not only be accountable to a person/people, I'll also be able to track my progress online.

I am so excited.  Because of Levi's travels, I know I won't be able to run as often as I'd like to (3-4 times each week).  Hanna and I talked about it, and we are going to shift the training to accomodate this, which is nice.  We will work with cardo at home, plus weight training (some, I imagine), and running on the weekends.

My goal - to run inthe Undy 5000 of course!

And, maybe, the half-marathon in January?  Who knows.

My reasons for doing this are varied, but all come down to one thing.  I want to do this.  I can go into the health aspects, the inspiration aspects (I'd love to be the mom that inspires her kids to be more active), the personal/greedy motivation (looking better, showing those from high school that I can and did do this - my 20th reunion is coming up in a couple of years)....those pale next to the one.  I want to do this for me.  I fought for this life, and I fought hard.  I want this life to be the best I can make it, and if I can run in a race (, then all the better.

So exciting.  Tomorrow, I'm heading to Runner's Den here in Phoenix to get fitted for a pair of running shoes.  I can't wait.

Holy cow.  I'm going to run a 5k.  Want to join me?


kathryn said...
Michelle, this is not related to the race...but I needed to write and say thank you...
I was just diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer. You are so very young to have to deal with this. I am very sorry for all you've had to go through. Here comes the however...
You have been an inspiration to thie "old lady" (I'm 57). I've poured over every word and am still catching up. You have helped me in many ways - and I have just begun this journey.
Thank you for your honesty - for being so bold and saying how you "really feel". I am the one caring for others, this is not a comfortable position to be in. I have a very hard time accepting help I will have to learn many things in the months ahead...that may be the most challenging.
Thank you Michelle for your courage and most of all "just for writing". Blessings and years of good health to you.
February 18, 2010 at 7:41 PM
Blogger Heat said...

Get the flattest, un-cushiest shoes you can find.

I will run with you any time that we're both free, my dear - just let me know!
February 18, 2010 at 10:13 PM
Blogger Jill said...

Yay Michelle!!!!

I'm traing to run it too!!!

Here is the program I am using to ease myself into it... ask your trainer if they think it would help you.

Not sure what level of fitness you are at now but if you are a couch to 5k kind of gal like me... This program works! I am on Week 6 Day 2.
February 19, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

FEBRUARY 16, 2010

In December/January, I alluded to a project that I was working on.  I can now safely tell you about this, because I didn't get accepted for the project.


Are you familiar with 
The Colondar?  It's a calendar created by The Colon Club, and features survivors that were under 50 years old when they were diagnosed.  It's something that I fell for when I was diagnosed, and I strove (or is it strived?) to be one of those people celebrating life.

When Kim and I met, I brought her one of these calendars.  She saw it as inispiration, and it was something tangible I could hand her that hopefully brought her a little ray of sunshine and a BIG ray of hope.

We talked about her applying when she was in remission - she would have been a wonderful candidate.  She was tall, gorgeous, and would have been a perfect person to fill the role.  We thought it would be fun to apply together - something we both aspired to doing once she was recovered.

Since that couldn't happen, I applied.  I wanted to live up to this goal she and I had set, and since I'm the least likely person to ever be in a calendar, I figured that using her as reason to apply was as good as any.  Natty and I worked on the photos (which is why I had those taken) and I submitted the photos along with my story, which I thought was compelling.  *I'll admit that writing the story was really wonderful, but exhausting.  I actually had to do it in several settings, becuase I was so emotionally drained from reliving everything.*

Anyways, the announcements are coming this week about who made the cut for the 2011 calendar.  I saw on facebook that one of my friends recieved a call and (though she was pretty cryptic about it) was asked to be in the calendar.  Since I haven't recieved a call, I'm making the presumable assumption that I didn't make the cut.

I'm bummed.  Not "Oh My God, the world's coming to an end" bummed, but still, a little disappointed.  I thought that it would be good for them to feature a "real" girl, rather than someone that is super skinny and your typical "model" material, as this other person is.  (She's actually been in another her bikini....)

I will say that this has strengthened my resolve to continue my workout regiment, and to get more fit.  Not skinnier per se (though that's a nice side effect), but certainly more fit.  Maybe when this happens, my scar will be more prominent, and I can reapply next year.

Can't hurt, right?

Anyways, PLEASE consider purchasing a calendar.  The proceeds all go towards the next year's photo shoot and production of the calendar, and allows The Colon Club to conotinue their fight against this disease.  If you haven't checked out their website, please do so.  They are an amazing organization, and they have wonderful people contributing on their board (including me!). 


Whidbey Woman said...
Too bad. you are gorgeous! and you have a great story to tell.
I don't know how they make up their minds.. it must be hard with so many good applicants. The Colondar is really cool. Have you thought about going to your local TV station, and being a spokesperson for Colon Cancer awareness? We need to get the message out there that more and more young people are coming down with it! Just a thought. YOU ROCK MICHELLE!!!
February 16, 2010 at 8:55 PM
Blogger Heat said...

perhaps it's the location of your scar rather than the shape of your body?

regardless, i'm proud of you for applying, and the photos you got from it are awesome!!
February 17, 2010 at 5:25 PM

Monday, February 15, 2010

FEBRUARY 15, 2010

Not the ones where you hope and wish about amazing things in your future.  I'm referring to the dreams you have at night, when your brain goes into overdrive, and you process thoughts about things that you don't want to think about consciously.

Why do I bring this up?  because Friday night, I had an awful dream.  I dreamt that my cancer came back.  It had spread to my liver, and the doctor's were shocked and had no reason, no logic, and no way to help me.  In my dream, I ended up at CTCA, which is okay.  If this ever happens, that's where I want to go.

The dream brought to light a whole bunch of thoughts in my head, and it's really thrown me for a loop.  I've been trying to figure out why I had this dream, and it bothers me because I can't link it to a single fact, event, or something like that that might have triggered these thoughts in my head.

I worry, because I wonder if my brain is telling me, hey...get ready for another fight.

It really set me on edge.  I know that, if this does happen, I'll fight like hell.  I still have too much to do, and I am not ready at all to head off into the sunset.  If my cancer does come back, I'm going to beat it - again.  But, I don't want to have to fight again.

I think part of it is that my life is finally getting back to a semblence of normalcy - Levi's home, he's working, the kids are doing well, and life seems pretty good.  Is this my brain's way of warning me about the impending "other foot"?

I hope not.  I am really looking forward to a stretch of calm road.

But, if the cancer has decided to come back, I say......bring it, bitch.  You're dead meat.


Heat said...
I have cancer dreams sometimes. I don't think it's your body sending you a message. (Did it warn you the first time? Why would it warn you now?) I think it's that little part of your brain that is completely suppressed most of the time getting it's time to come out and play.

"Whew! I'm glad that was just a dream!"
February 15, 2010 at 9:22 AM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

I think everyone lives with the fear of recurrence. It's tucked away but its always there. It comes out in dreams, and makes a big appearance come screening time.
:) But, you are a positive thinker!
I know you have a lot to celebrate in your life right now. So, cling to that and tell that dream to take a hike!
February 15, 2010 at 9:17 PM

Thursday, February 4, 2010

FEBRUARY 4, 2010

Whew - I thought the prep for the Undy 5000 was demanding - somehow, this March is appearing to be a bit more crazy.  I think there's a lot of reasons for that, but no matter what, it's all good.  The direction I see things heading in is AMAZING!!!

As you may know, March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, and along with that comes a flurry of activity around raising awareness of this disease, touting early detection and prevention, and making others aware that pink isn't the only cancer color out there.  :-)  Our local Colon Cancer Alliance chapter (of which I'm now the acting-chair!) has lots of things planned to support March's activities.

First is our Dress in Blue Day, which is a CCA national event held on Friday, March 5th.  This day is used to spread awareness of the disease by urging survivors, patients, caregivers, and supporters to wear royal blue (well, blue of any kind) along with a pin reminding people to "Ask Me Why I'm Wearing Blue!"  By doing this, we show solidarity as a group, and we raise awareness.  If one person sees someone, asks, and gets checked because of this campaign, it's all worth it.

Our second local activity is our "Colon All Angels: Ride a Bike, Save a Butt" motorcycle run on Saturday, March 6th.  We have partnered with the American Legion Post 2 here in Tempe to put this event on, and we already have great interest.  We will start out at Joeta's Leathers in Mesa, where registration begins at 10:30 and kickstands are up at noon.  We will stop at 3 locations, which have generously offered their buildings as rest stops, colling off points, and will be offering drink specials along with raffle tickets and prizes.  Our final stop takes us to the American Legion Post 2 in Tempe, where Steel Solace (a local band) has donated their time free of charge to raise the roof on the "Angels Appreciation Party."  The party will include dinner (dinner tickets are included in the ride registration fee or can be purchased at the door), dancing, and fellowship.  Raffle tickets will be offered, as well as a 50/50 drawing.  All proceeds will benefit the Colon Cancer Alliance, and this event is gearing up to be a doozy!  You can find more information about the event, including registration costs and pre-registration links by clicking 

Our local chapter is going to be taking part in a symposium on colon cancer at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix on Saturday, March 20th.  We are also partnering with the Arizona Cancer Coalition for a "Night out with the Phoenix Suns", where you can take part in a special event at the Suns game.  Please let me know if you are interested in either event.

As I said, it's going to be a busy month.  I'm still working on getting the time in front of the state legislature, so I'm not sure how that's going to turn out.   I'm pooped already, but it's all going for SUCH a good cause.

OH!  We are working on finalizing the date for the 2010 and 2011 Undy 5000 here in Phoenix.  We are tentatively looking at October 30, 2010, but this date is yet to be confirmed.  However, start planning!  I will be asking for help (financial and volunteer) in a bit!


Woo Hoo! Girl you are so busy and it's wonderful!!
February 4, 2010 at 5:12 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Thanks for making a difference, Michelle!
February 4, 2010 at 8:37 PM
Blogger Ginger said...
Hi there! I am a Committee member for Jackie's Hope. Though I raise money for Lung Cancer research, I am dedicated in bringing support and comfort to all cancer patients. I just recently started a cancer support blog and I added your blog to our Fellow Support Blogs page. So feel free to visit, become a follower and grab a button to help spread awareness! Thanks for the inspiration!
February 6, 2010 at 6:25 PM
Blogger Amie said...

I wonder if they are ever gonna do that Undy 500 here in Nashville. I would love to get that going here - I think it would do well in this market. Any ideas :) ?
Hey, by the way I put up some pictures of my Texas trip and para sailing on my blog. I am keeping up with my blog for my friends and family so we can all keep up to date
February 14, 2010 at 1:58 PM