Tuesday, February 16, 2010

FEBRUARY 16, 2010

In December/January, I alluded to a project that I was working on.  I can now safely tell you about this, because I didn't get accepted for the project.


Are you familiar with 
The Colondar?  It's a calendar created by The Colon Club, and features survivors that were under 50 years old when they were diagnosed.  It's something that I fell for when I was diagnosed, and I strove (or is it strived?) to be one of those people celebrating life.

When Kim and I met, I brought her one of these calendars.  She saw it as inispiration, and it was something tangible I could hand her that hopefully brought her a little ray of sunshine and a BIG ray of hope.

We talked about her applying when she was in remission - she would have been a wonderful candidate.  She was tall, gorgeous, and would have been a perfect person to fill the role.  We thought it would be fun to apply together - something we both aspired to doing once she was recovered.

Since that couldn't happen, I applied.  I wanted to live up to this goal she and I had set, and since I'm the least likely person to ever be in a calendar, I figured that using her as reason to apply was as good as any.  Natty and I worked on the photos (which is why I had those taken) and I submitted the photos along with my story, which I thought was compelling.  *I'll admit that writing the story was really wonderful, but exhausting.  I actually had to do it in several settings, becuase I was so emotionally drained from reliving everything.*

Anyways, the announcements are coming this week about who made the cut for the 2011 calendar.  I saw on facebook that one of my friends recieved a call and (though she was pretty cryptic about it) was asked to be in the calendar.  Since I haven't recieved a call, I'm making the presumable assumption that I didn't make the cut.

I'm bummed.  Not "Oh My God, the world's coming to an end" bummed, but still, a little disappointed.  I thought that it would be good for them to feature a "real" girl, rather than someone that is super skinny and your typical "model" material, as this other person is.  (She's actually been in another calendar....in her bikini....)

I will say that this has strengthened my resolve to continue my workout regiment, and to get more fit.  Not skinnier per se (though that's a nice side effect), but certainly more fit.  Maybe when this happens, my scar will be more prominent, and I can reapply next year.

Can't hurt, right?

Anyways, PLEASE consider purchasing a calendar.  The proceeds all go towards the next year's photo shoot and production of the calendar, and allows The Colon Club to conotinue their fight against this disease.  If you haven't checked out their website, please do so.  They are an amazing organization, and they have wonderful people contributing on their board (including me!). 


Whidbey Woman said...
Too bad. you are gorgeous! and you have a great story to tell.
I don't know how they make up their minds.. it must be hard with so many good applicants. The Colondar is really cool. Have you thought about going to your local TV station, and being a spokesperson for Colon Cancer awareness? We need to get the message out there that more and more young people are coming down with it! Just a thought. YOU ROCK MICHELLE!!!
February 16, 2010 at 8:55 PM
Blogger Heat said...

perhaps it's the location of your scar rather than the shape of your body?

regardless, i'm proud of you for applying, and the photos you got from it are awesome!!
February 17, 2010 at 5:25 PM

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