Monday, February 22, 2010

FEBRUARY 22, 2010

Working out regularly has many benefits.  There is the sheer goodness for your body - the loss of unnecessary fat and jiggle.  The increased strength and stamina.  The increased energy.  The mental clarity.

The bad thing - the pain.  My legs are SO sore.  Not enough to stop me, but sore.  Yikes....

Working through the pain.  I keep telling myself - this is going to be SO worth it when I cross the finish line.....


Heat said...
Working through it is good, as long as your workout is less intense on the days that you are hurting.

And remember that muscles grow and get stronger when they heal, not when they're working.


I'm proud of you for what you're doing!!
February 22, 2010 at 2:58 PM


Shirts that I think you should all look at....a good idea if one was looking for an ideal gift for someone battling this disease, either actively, passively (by living as a colon cancer ass-kicker), or supporting someone with colon cancer.  Fabulous!

A good question.

My motto.

I'd use a different word, but 
this works for me.

This isn't arrogance.  It's truth.

That's better.  (Oh, I totally want this one....)

IT'S NOT PINK!!!!  ('Bout freakin' time....)

Hmmm....I might have to invite 
this one to be my date at the bike rally...

My personal note to cancer, though I'll change "person" to "woman."  Other than that - perfect!

And, finally, I'm thinking I might order 
this one, for Kim.  Well, for me, but in honor of Kim.  It just seems right. 


Vanessa said...
Cancer is really dangerous. You can not really get rid off this. But you can do something to prevent its severeness. And that is through autoimmune diseases kits. These will really help.
February 23, 2010 at 1:39 AM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...
Michelle, I love these! Thanks for sharing. They brought a smile to my face. Some of them I had never seen before. The shirts would be great to wear for Blue Day in March.
February 23, 2010 at 6:11 AM
Blogger Sagar said...

Breast cancer and Ovarian Cancer institute provides information source on Genetically Based Cancer, cancer organizations, researchers, governments and those diagnosed to improve outcomes in breast and ovarian cancer.
genetic cancer testing
February 24, 2010 at 6:20 AM

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