Wednesday, April 10, 2013

APRIL 10, 2013

Well, the IV infusion of fluids each day seems to be helping.  I am so grateful for any improvement over last week, and these fluids (in combination with resting, eating better, acupuncture, and the new meds) seem to be helping.  I'm actually able to get up in the morning and not feel like walking to the couch is all I can handle.

I met with Dr. Chong yesterday for a weekly check-up, and in spite of the fact that I'm not doing well with this, he said that I'm doing, in his words, terrific.  That helped...more than I can tell you.  And, the light at the end of the tunnel?  Yeah, that bad boy is getting brighter and brighter.  Today is 6 days until I'm done.

Done is a relative term.  Dr. Chong and I talked about what's next, and he wants to proceed with the next phase of treatment, which will be a much more targeted radiation treatment (in conjunction with the Xeloda) to work on those lymph nodes in my upper left abdomen.  But, the good news is that I'll have a few weeks of break between this treatment and the next phase, and I should tolerate this next phase much better.  Because it's very targeted treatment, it won't be as difficult on the bowels, etc., which means the nausea and diarrhea should be much less.

I almost cried when he said that.

He also said that I should be able to work through the treatments, so I'm going to contact my boss and start the conversation.  Getting back to work and a more normal schedule that doesn't revolve around my toilet would be AMAZING!!

I asked Dr. Chong yesterday if I get to ring the end-of-treatment bell next week, and he seemed surprised.  "Of course you get to ring the bell..."

Oh, it's so on.  I am going to ring the HELL out of that bell.  There will be smiles and tears, laughter and crying.  That bell will mark the end of this step at a time.  I will celebrate this next step, and I'll do it loud and proud.

Yes, there will be photos and (hopefully) video.

I cannot wait.  6 more days.  6 more days is all....I can do this. 


April 10, 2013 at 8:53 PM

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