Tuesday, April 2, 2013

APRIL 2, 2013

This will be a quick update because, quite frankly, that's all I have the energy for.  This radiation/chemo treatment is wearing me down....I'm just so tired all the time.

Yesterday was treatment #13.  My last radiation treatment is 2 weeks from tomorrow.  Not that I'm counting or anything.....who am I kidding?  Of course I'm counting!

The full compliment of side effects has hit, including extreme fatigue, nausea, and diarrhea.  Most days, I require a nap to get through from mid-afternoon to evening.  It's just a fact that a nap helps me that day, and helps me to feel better the following day.

The family is feeling the effects of this treatment, as well.  My house is a disaster, I haven't cooked a meal in weeks, and it's everything I can do to run typical errands....what makes me sad is that it isn't leaving much room for anything else with the kids.

This sucks.  I can't wait until this is over, and I can start to recover.  I just hope we get a bit of a break before the next treatment starts, whatever that will be.

We started planning for Julia's 11th birthday party.  It's hard to imagine that my little girl is 11, but she's growing into such a fantastic person that I'm just ridiculously happy that I'm here to see it occur.  I've started writing letters to the kids, on days when the mood strikes.  I try not to be morbid or think negatively, but I feel better if I start to get things in order....I feel like, if I plan for it, it won't happen.

I'm off shortly to another round of chemo, a check-up with Dr. Chong, and my counseling appointment.  All crucial to my recovery, for sure.

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