Wednesday, April 17, 2013

APRIL 17, 2013

I know I've been slacking on updating here, but I just haven't had the energy.  Hopefully, I'll start to feel better soon, and be able to post pictures from the baseball game, family pictures, etc.  And, well, update everyone.

Today is my last day of radiation for this phase.  I get to ring the bell tonight (around 6pm-ish), and I'm super excited about it.  Yes, someone will be taking video, and I will do my best to post is ASAP.

I've been feeling a bit better lately - getting IV hydration daily has helped.  I'm definitely not 100%, but I'm able to function fairly normally until around 7pm.  Then, I crash.  And that's okay.

I spoke with Dr. Chong yesterday, and he's very pleased (almost surprised) that I'm doing as well as I am.  I keep saying that I think he and I define "very well" differently, but there you go.  I will have a couple/few weeks off of radiation and chemotherapy, and then I'll meet back with him to start making plans for the next phase of treatment.  He said that I should tolerate the next phase much better....thank goodness.

I'm off, but I will be updating more soon...  :)

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