Thursday, June 10, 2010

JUNE 10, 2010

Does anyone else feel a kinship with folks you see in passing that are wearing a yellow LiveSTRONG bracelet?  I saw a person today as I was walking into work, and it dawned on me that I feel a connection to these people.  They have reason to wear these bracelets....hopefully, it's not "to be cool" but rather, to support someone who has battled or is battling this disease.

I wear my yellow and blue bracelets almost every single day.  There are very few days when I'm without mine.  I have worn them since I was in chemo.  I actually still have the very bracelets that I wore during chemo (even though they have broken).  It's a silly thing, really, but something I can't bear to get rid of.  I have extra bracelets at home, just in case.  I have different colors, and I can tell you what they all represent.  It's my way of supporting, well, myself.

Just curious on whether others feel this same kind of kinship with others sporting very obvious signs of cancer advocacy. 


Whidbey Woman said...

Last week I noticed that my boss is wearing a blue braclet! I thought to myself, he knows someone with Colon Cancer. Or is he wearing it for Ron? It made my heart soar! Tonight I saw a person walking with a T-shirt on it that said "Hope," with the Relay for Life Logo. It really lifted my spirits :)
June 10, 2010 at 7:04 PM

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