Monday, June 21, 2010

JUNE 21, 2010

Today, I turn 34 years old.  Pretty amazing, when you look at where I was two years ago.  Pretty amazing regardless, that I'm celebrating getting older.  But, wouldn't you?  Each birthday is a celebration of another year of living, breathing, and just being.

Each year brings new challenges, new successes, new failures (which are really opportunities to make things better next time 'round), new memories.  I relish in my birthday, not because of the presents (which are still welcome - I'm human after all), but because it's a way to celebrate and reflect and honor the past year's events.

Levi and I spent the weekend together.  It was truly awesome - we haven't done this in probably ten years, so it was truly a gift to both of us.  Saturday was his birthday - we started the day with a meeting for CCA, then off we went for lunch, some errands, and a birthday dinner of homemade enchiladas and chocolate pudding (his FAVORITE!).  Sunday, we woke up, hung out on the back patio with our coffee and the chickens, relaxing, reading, playing with our phones (they had to be reset and we lost ALL settings...), and just enjoying the gorgeous weather.  We spoke with the kids later that day, and each of us spoke with our Dads, to wish them a Happy Father's Day.  We also saw the movie I have been waiting on for over a year - Toy Story 3.

Some of you may not be familiar with my, um, well, obsession seems to be the best word but I don't think I care for it.  We'll call it a "relationship."  My "relationship" with Toy Story.  It began (ack!) 14 years ago when I was working in Disney World on the College Program internship in what was then the Disney-MGM Studios park.  I worked the Toy Story parade each day, keeping the masses back on the sidewalk and clearing the way for the parade to come through, complete with Buzz, Woody, the Green Army Men, etc.  I fell in love with the story line, and when TS2 came out, I made Levi take me to the movies (this was pre-kids, and he was less-than-impressed).  So, last summer, when the trailers started for TS3, and I found out it was being released on my birthday weekend, well, there was no question that I was going to see it.

And, we did.  Yesterday morning.  I'll try not to give away the entire story, but suffice it to say that I laughed out loud several times, I clapped during some parts (the 3D effects were VERY cool), and I cried at the end.  *Yes, Levi rolled his eyes at me.*  The storyline is wonderful, the jokes are hysterical, and the Spanish version of Buzz Lightyear was, by far, my favorite.

We also saw Iron Man 2 last night, and it was amazing - loved it.  Not as much as Toy Story 3, but I loved it.  Robert Downey Jr. just gets more and more gorgeous as he gets older.

So, enjoy your day - I know I will enjoy mine.  Working today, dinner tonight with Levi, then off with the girls tonight to celebrate my birthday and someone's recent engagement.  So exciting!  It's the longest day of the year, so make sure you welcome summer with a smile.  I know I have - so far! 


CCW said...
Happy, happy, happy(!!!) birthday to the biggest ass-cancer's-ass-kicker I know! :-)
June 22, 2010 at 4:19 AM
Blogger angle45 said...

Very cool! I was just wondering what were the intial symptoms were? I have a good friend who is worried about some blood that was in her stool last week and we're seeing her GP tomorrow.
September 25, 2011 at 10:30 PM

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