Saturday, March 24, 2012

MARCH 24, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, the amount of support you've given me over the past couple of days has been completely overwhelming - in a good way.  The love and prayers and support and kind words and good thoughts and happy mojo coming my way have made a very difficult time a bit easier, and I can't possibly tell you just how much that means to me.  I've been friended on facebook by people I didn't even know, but who knew me through others and wanted to keep in touch.  I've heard from people that I had lost touch with.  I've gotten emails from all over the world.  It's just

My fabulous friend Jen came up with a logo for this battle.  Can you say FABULOUS?!?!
She also set up a group on facebook, here.  I'll do my best to remember to link this blog to that facebook posting.

Levi headed back to California today for work - unfortunately, in spite of this devastating diagnosis, we still have to live life, and working is part of that.  It sucks that he has to be gone this week, but it is what it is.  The kids and I are going to head to the gym this morning (I'm not letting this cancer ruin my newly-found love for running and working out).  Tonight will consist of cleaning the house and watching Syracuse (hopefully) kick some ass on the basketball court!

Again, thanks.  So much!


Mara Piel said...
You truly are an inspiration, Michelle. Keep up your positivity and strength and if you ever need a boost, there are a lot if us here to get you back where you need to be.

Love you!
March 24, 2012 at 9:02 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...
I would love to have a t-shirt with this new graphic of yours on it! I hate crew necks or anything around my neck so some type of t-shirt that is lower cut, but not hoochie mama, would be perfect.

I was thinking it could be a fundraiser ... with the $$ going to a charity of your choosing ... thoughts?

March 24, 2012 at 11:00 AM
Blogger Carol said...

Hi, Sorry to hear that your colon cancer has come back with vengeance, you sound like a person who will kick it's ass again! Rooting for you!
March 25, 2012 at 1:07 PM

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