Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MARCH 28, 2012

Good morning, my army!  Woke up to a bit of queasiness this morning (not so severe I can call it nausea), so I took another Compazine and made sure to get food in my belly.  That definitely helped.  Still a little but there, especially when the pump pushes do I feel it kick up.  Mental?  Absolutely.  Does knowing that make it any easier?  Hell no.

Going to make a call to the onco this morning - the tube from my port to my pump has a little but of blood in it.  I don't remember that, so I'm going to call to make sure that's normal.  Better safe than sorry.  Not sure what's going on - hoping nothing is wrong with the pump.  I'm hearing it go off, though I'll admit it doesn't seem to be as often as it was yesterday.  Hmmm....

Anyways, here's to a gorgeous day here in Phoenix (oh yes - highs near 90 - yes please!), and a day with little queasiness.  Off I go!


Melanie said...
Hope your day was beautiful!
March 28, 2012 at 7:19 PM

Dad and I put some serious miles on his Prius today.  I wasn't supposed to go to the oncologist's office today - it was supposed to be a pump-only day.

But, I woke up this morning and there was a little but of blood in my tubing.  When I asked Dad about it, we both agreed that we needed to go to the office to check it out.  In we go....and, apparently, the blood showing was left over from yesterday's blood draw through the port.  Sometimes, the tubing can hold a small reserve, and  the nurse thought that it has just worked it's way back up the tubing during the night.  Ok.  We get it fixed, and off we go.

No sooner did we get home, and I looked at my tubing, and it was bright red, completely full with blood.  Crap. Called Dad (he had only been gone for maybe 4 minutes) and back we go.  *sigh*

We got there, and when I opened my shirt, I realized that the blood actually leaked onto my shirt, etc.  Well, after some investigation, it appears that the connection between the port tubing and the pump tubing (a kind of plumbing connector) had a leak.  This meant that every time my heart pumped, it was pumping blood back into my tubing.  Eventually, there ended up being a clot in there, too.  So, we made the decision to replace the tubing, which seemed to be the most effective way to resolve the issue.  Luckily, it doesn't appear that I missed any chemo (didn't have any chemo leak out of the tubing), so I consider that a blessing.

Needless to say, it was a long day.  I had been looking forward to a day without having to go into the office, and I didn't make it.  Oh well - next time.

Tomorrow, we go back in for my first dose of Avastin and to get the pump removed.  I'm nervous about the Avastin, since I don't know much about it.  It's a longer infusion (90 minutes), I imagine so that they can make sure I don't have a reaction.  I've purposely not looked up side effects.  That whole mind over body thing....

Today has been okay from a side effect standpoint.  Still some nausea, but I've been able to keep it under control with mints, lemon drops, snacks, cold drinks, and (admittedly) a Compazine first thing this morning.  Hoping that tomorrow brings me an easy day, with no Avastin side effects.  I'm off to bed, with the help of some antacids and Ativan.  Antacids to help with the atrocious heartburn, and Ativan to make sure the nausea (and anticipation) doesn't wake me up in the morning.

Good night, all!


Both my Folfox and Folfiri rounds were with Avastin. I don't recall having any side effects from it.
March 29, 2012 at 2:10 PM

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