Friday, May 18, 2012

MAY 18, 2012

Well, one more round of chemo is in the books.  I'm glad.  I will admit that this is round was more difficult physically, but it was also easier in the fact that Levi was home this week to take care of the kids, etc.  I didn't have to do anything but worry about sleeping and making sure I didn't get sick.  :)

They upped my chemo cocktail, so I'm not surprised that I had to take more anti-nausea meds.  Between the steroids, Zofran and Ativan, plus snacking, I was able to keep things in check fairly well.  Sort of.  Being nauseous is exhausting!

As I sit here, I'm hoping to gather enough energy today to shower, since I haven't done that since Tuesday.  Gross, I know, but when you've got tubing and an electrical pump connected to you, showering is a very difficult and time-consuming product.  You have to cover the port connection up, so it doesn't get wet.  You have to figure out how to hang up the pump so it doesn't get wet but it also gives you enough freedom to move around in the shower.  Then, the sheer energy it takes to shower can wear me out in moments.  I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but if you are already worn out, taking a shower can be the end of you.  And, during the week of chemo - yes, showering sometimes feels like it's too much.

So, today's goal?  Shower.  LOL!  I will say that, with no hair, showering is a lot quicker.  Maybe Levi and I will get a decent lunch today.  We have a gift card to Olive Garden, and a good salad and a cup of soup sounds really delicious right now.  That is, if my shower doesn't completely wear me out.  :) 

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