Monday, May 21, 2012

MAY 21, 2012

After yesterday's post, I was feeling better.  Not great that I laid all these emotions out for the world to see, but better that they were out of my head and I was able to make sense of them.  I had no idea what the rest of the day was going to bring, and how it would help lift my mood.

I'll try to make this short, and sensible.  Can't make any guarantees, though.  :)

You know I'm on facebook.  Big fun.  I've been able to connect with friends and family all over the world, and it's been essential (especially lately) to me feeling "normal".  I've been able to follow some of my favorite bands (yes, New Kids were among the first....duh!).  One of those is
Daughtry.  If you're not familiar with him, he was a finalist on American Idol, and I've liked his music since then.  I've followed him on Twitter, and he's one of the few celebrities that I've found that has a true passion for what he does, and a true love for his wife and kids (he and his wife banter back and forth on Twitter, and it makes me smile everytime).  Plus, he's handsome.  That doesn't hurt.

Anyways, I didn't realize that they were coming to Phoenix this week (today).  They posted something about  the concert, and I commented that I wish I could have gotten tickets, but didn't b/c of chemo, blah blah blah.  Didn't even think two moments on it.

A few minutes later, I got a friend request from someone I didn't recognize.  I debated on accepting, and boy, am I glad I did.  She saw my comment, and offered me her two extra tickets (she and her husband both bought tickets to the same concert....).  And, apparently, Daughtry had offered me something in the comments as well.  But, I didn't see it and didn't respond.  She (Gina) friended me to touch base with me and make sure I saw the response.  This started quite the ball rolling.

Gina and Daughtry were in cahoots, and (after much heart-racing and wondering), Gina, her husband, Levi and I were offered VIP tickets to tonight's Daughtry concert, including watching the soundcheck and a meet-and-greet.

O.  M.  G.

I really don't know how this all came about, other than Gina's persistence.  I can't wait to meet her tonight, wrap my arms around her and thank her.  I can't wait to meet Chris and the guys tonight, and to just say hey.  I have no idea what today is going to bring, but prepare for an onslaught of pictures later this week.

With that, I have to make myself pretty.  :)  Off I go.....


I'm Nic. said...
Have fun!!! Can't wait to see the pics! PS - speaking of NKOTB. A while back you posted on my blog about your torn feelings re: Joe vs. Donnie? Gotta say, I'm so loving 40-something year old Donnie that Blue Bloods is starting to become my "lady porn" *grin* Rock out tonight lady!
May 21, 2012 at 2:05 PM
Blogger Melanie said...

OMG! That is so awesome! Congrats and enjoy!
May 22, 2012 at 9:52 AM

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