Thursday, May 31, 2012

MAY 31, 2012

Tired.  Nauseous.  And, looking forward to tomorrow at 4pm, when we get this damn pump off.

Yesterday wasn't too bad.  Got the good news, but also learned that these rounds of chemo aren't the end, which is sort of what I was hoping for.  The good news is that (likely) the chemo will change up, and we will shift to Ironitecan and Erbitux, which is given via port access over a couple of hours once every three weeks.  This should make scheduling a bit easier, plus not having to come home with the pump?  YES PLEASE!  That's definitely something to look forward to.

I'm also hoping that this new regiment will allow me to go back to work.  If it's truly as easy as they indicate, and I can do it on a Friday afternoon (meeting w/drs, then chemo), I may be able to work from the infusion room and make up any hours I need to miss die to drs appts, etc.  I can't wait to get back, see everyone, etc.  But, that won't happen until at least the week after July 4th.  Want to have some time to make it through the first round of the new chemo to know how I'm going to react to it.

I'm excited that the CT scan showed that the tumors are going down.  But, I'm frustrated that it confirmed that they are cancer.  Means this isn't going to go away anytime soon.  For the rest of my life, I'll be monitored and checked and be an active cancer patient.  Scratch that - I'll be a cancer survivor.  Regardless of what stage I'm in, I will always be a survivor.  That I know for sure.  So, I've decided I'm going to own it.  Why not, right?  It's an essential part of who I am, and will continue to be.  It will shape my future in ways I can't even begin to fathom, so I might as well make it something that I own, as much as possible.

On that up-beat note, I'm going to make this yet another short post.  Will try to update more in a bit....just tired.  Time for a nap.


I'm Nic. said...

Cancer survivor...damn skippy you are! Hope you had a wonderful, and much needed, nap.
May 31, 2012 at 3:56 PM

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