Wednesday, May 30, 2012

MAY 30, 2012

We got some good news today - the CT scan came back good, showing that the tumors in my lungs are down by half.  In the original PET scan back in March, the lung stuff was showing up as 2-4mm.  Now, it's down to 1-2 mm.  This is GOOD!

It also confirms that the stuff in my lungs is, indeed, cancer.  So, that kind of sucks, but it just confirms what I already knew.  So, there's that.

Game plan is to complete these 6 round of chemo (I'm typing this as I sit in infusion, having pre-meds pumped into me in preparation for round 5.)  Once we get done with the 6th round, I will head back to NY for some down time (ha ha) and to relax a bit (again, ha ha).  I can't wait to see everyone, and to celebrate this amazing news!!!

After that, it's still up in the air as to what we will do.  We may continue with this current regime of chemo, but it sounds like the more likely option is that we will switch to
Irinotecan and Erbitux only.  That would last for at least three months, potentially more depending on what the scans show.  After that, depending on how the cancer responds to things, we may go on Xeloda only, which is an oral chemo maintenance pill.  Right now, life without 5-FU sounds divine.  If I go to the two-drug combo, it's every three weeks, and I'll go back to work shortly.  That sounds great, though I may change my mind after the first week.  LOL!

We will scan in a few more months.  I asked about getting to remission (specifically, what are the milestones - yes, I work with engineers and they *may* had an impact on me...).  Basically, my CEA needs to remain stable and my PET needs to show stability in the tumors.  Ideally, NED (no evidence of disease), but stability.  He said that I'm currently in "partial remission" because the CEA is way down.  At least I now know what I'm working towards.

I was going to type more, but the Benadryl is starting to kick in, which means the downward spiral is starting.  Keep up the good vibes, people.  It's working....wonderfully!  I'll need them this week - I can feel it already...


Tina said...
Michelle, this is GREAT news!! The chemo really worked well! 2 more rounds to get through and you will get a MUCH needed and deserved break! Woo-hoo! (How did we ever make it through 12 rounds?! That seems nearly impossible to me now!Stupid cancer!)
You can do this!!
May 31, 2012 at 3:22 PM
Blogger JasonB said...
Shrunk by half? Love it. Love it, love it, love it! Take care of your self as you climb back after your last round! :)
May 31, 2012 at 3:53 PM
Blogger I'm Nic. said...

Ahh...just realized I posted from my husband's account. I'm such a nerd..didn't even think to check. The Jason B post is from me.
May 31, 2012 at 3:54 PM

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