Saturday, September 19, 2009

SEPTEMBER 19, 2009

Wow - who knew. Guess I didn't blog because I didn't have much to say this week. :-) It's been a fairly quiet week, and by that I mean no major catastrophes and no major meltdowns.

Was supposed to speak at a panel discussion this morning, but they cancelled when I was less than a mile from the facility. Bummer. But, it wasn't a total loss because I got to hang out with my friend Vinny, and we got to talk and get to know one another better. He's such a great guy, and truly was a blessing to Kim.

Let's see - what else? I spent yesterday afternoon meeting doctors and dropping off Undy 5000 information. It's always odd to walk into a doctor's office and feel like I'm trying to sell something, which I'm not, but that's kind of how the office staff make you feel. They grill you and question you and act very uninterested in what you have to provide them with, even though in EVERY circumstance the information and materials were requested b the doctor him/herself.

I think that's about it. I did start taking my anti-depressant pills this week. This was a very personal decision and one that so far, I'm okay with. I haven't had a chance to get in with a naturopath yet, and I don't want to have yet another week of feeling like I'm Dr Jekyll to my normal Mr Hyde. I hate that feeling, and I think it's a direct cause of the hormones shifting and trying to balance themselves back out. Damn chemo! :-) So, in the meantime, I am going to be proactive about my emotions and the ensuing depression, and hopefully head it off. (And, now I'm told that I'm in the majority - apparently a lot cancer/chemo patients end up on anti-depressants.)

So far, I'm feeling pretty good. I can feel the things in my body that are telling me that the "down" time is coming, so it's just a few days until I have issues, or could have issues. We'll see - if you see another curse-infected post, you'll know what happened.

I have gotten in touch with Melissa, who is battling stage-4 lung cancer. She's in her late 20s and being treated at CTCA. She and I met before Kim headed to CTCA, and then while Kim was there, she and Melissa became friends. So, it's only natural for me to get in contact with Melissa. I'm hoping to meet up with her in the next couple of weeks - she's an amazing person. You can look at her blog and website 

While I was at CTCA yesterday, I ran into a gentleman that works in the marketing department with the people I have a relationship with there. He was at the faith conference last week, and purposely came up to me, introduced himself, and we talked for probably 20 minutes. He lost his dad to colon cancer back in March and has since started working at CTCA. He is going to be a huge advocate. So proud that people remember me (for a good reason) when I speak at these things, and that they are inspired to take part in an organization. That's SUCH a good feeling.

Other than that, the kids and I are (hopefully) going to the Movie in the Park tonight. That is, if the rain holds off. The dark clouds to the east are telling me a different story, but I'm hopeful.


M. Jones said...


Thanks for the sharing.

I have a friend that's fighting stage 4 colon cancer so I know what a dreadful disease it is.

I had my first colonoscopy at age 50. A polyp was found and removed. I’m now 58 and I had my second colonoscopy a few weeks ago. Nothing was found this time.

I just want to remind and encourage everyone to get screened for colon cancer. The procedure itself (colonoscopy) is not painful, with the possible exception of the I.V. The preparation the day before is a little inconvenient. Plan to be close to a bathroom.

The 'official' guideline is to have a colonoscopy if you are older than 50 and every 10 years thereafter. That is, if you're at average risk. Check with your physician. Schedule an appointment today!
November 3, 2009 at 1:43 PM

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