Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The good news is that, mentally, I am feeling better. I think that I have figured out that these depressed weeks that I am dealing with relate to my menstrual cycle (fun, eh?). I am working a couple of angles to try to handle this - I think that the chemo dealt my body a hormonal blow, and now I need to deal a blow right back. When I went to the OB last month, the doctor gave me a drug that only deals with the symptoms, and he didn't want to look at the cause. (He told me it was just really bad, no.) So, I will be contacting my general practitioner to get a referral to someone else that I think might help me more than this guy. Meantime, I am also still going to therapy and will also be getting a massage this Friday ( happy about this...). Perhaps this will all help me deal with the crap a bit better.

Tonight, I am heading to the services for Kim. A friend offered to watch the kids for me, and I am so grateful for it. Tomorrow is the funeral and the burial, and I know that it's going to be hard. But, thank goodness my mind is in a better place, so I think I'll be okay.

Regarding my post over the weekend, I am still definitely struggling with my faith, and searching for answers. I don't think I am going to get them anytime soon, but I am searching for them, so I know that's a step in the right direction. I have some ideas and I will be pursuing them, slowly but surely.

I will keep you updated, but you may not hear from me for a couple of days. I am going to spend time with the kids, and try to take the weekend (mostly) off from the computer. I know I have some things to take care of, but I am going to try to spend the weekend relaxing. New concept for me, but something I am trying to learn how to do. LOL!


Heat said...
I just saw my doc on Thursday regarding hormonal issues as a result of chemo (including but not limited to chemo boobs). This is what she told me and where we're at right now:

vitamin E and calcium help relieve symptoms of PMS — 200 of E the week-10 days before and the week of your period; 1500 calcium

she ordered hormone tests that she said I should have drawn on the third day of my period, as that's the best day in the cycle to get a good reading

she gave me a recommendation of an OB-gyn to go see. I haven't gone yet but will be going soon.

That's all, but it's something you can be armed with...

OK, well, that's all I've got, but I'll keep you posted as I go.
September 2, 2009 at 4:55 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

I'm praying for you and kim's family and friends. I'm so glad you found a babysitter... I was about ready to hop on Southwest and fly down there!
September 2, 2009 at 7:21 PM

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