Monday, August 31, 2009

AUGUST 31, 2009

Just wanted to let you all know I am still here. I kind of took the weekend off, as much as I could. I relaxed, did some cleaning, etc., but mostly tried to relax and not think about things. My brain has other plans and is keeping me up at night, and I think it's because I haven't had time to process everything yet. I figure this is pretty normal, and while I'd like to have a full night's sleep, I'm okay with this. I have Thursday off for Kim's funeral, so I'm hoping some time with her family and friends will help me cope a bit better. Friday, I am working a half-day (mainly because I need to keep some vacation/personal hours in the bank, just in case), but I'm off in the afternoon for school meetings for the kids.

If you are wondering if I'm still pissed, etc., yes, but I'm trying to work through it. I called my therapist and I have an appointment for next Thursday, thank goodness. This will be a good day for me. In the morning, I am speaking at a conference for The Wellness Community, talking with a group of clergy, etc. about faith and how they can help cancer patients work through their illness, treatment, etc.. My part is to tell how there are certain myths that exist regarding cancer, and how my diagnosis blew those out of the water. Obviously one of the ones they are going to have me speak about it that you can't get cancer when you are a young adult. Stupid myths.

I think it's interesting that I'm attending a FAITH conference while I am in the midst of a faith crisis. Should put an interesting spin on it, and I'm looking forward to the people that I'll meet there. Plus, being with people from TWC always, without a doubt, makes me feel so much better. I wish I had the time to go threre now - I think I could use a good dose of TWC right now.

So there you go. I'm still here. Still thinking things through, but trying to remember that no matter what happens, I have my kids, my husband, and my family and friends that have stood by me through thick and thin, and I am still blessed regardless of the circumstances. I am trying to keep an upbeat attitude and will be working with others to get through this time.

Good news - I made the first payment on our modified, temporary payment plan. We were able to get a temporary reduction, with more changes to come later based on a plan they offered. It all looks good (Whidbey - I looked at the paperwork and saw no fine print, plus I asked them all the things you mentioned, and this seems like it's on the up and up) and I can be thankful that this isn't a stress I have right now.

Now, if I could just get the name of a good masseuse to get these knots and tangles out of my back, I'd be all set.


Very happy to hear about the new modified mortgage. I know how much that weighed on you!

Thinking that the WTC conference will be a very good thing for you right now. I think of you so much and wonder how you are holding up.
August 31, 2009 at 6:01 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Wonderful news, Michelle!!!
I STILL am praying for you....
You have been through so much, I don't blame you for being angry.But, :) Turn that frown upside down!
August 31, 2009 at 6:06 PM

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