Sunday, August 9, 2009

AUGUST 9, 2009

Friday night: i[2]y event (I'm Too Young For This). AWESOME. Freakin' awesome. Met some people that I've been in touch with but unable to meet up with personally. Unbelievable group of people. Can't wait to go forward and see where this will take us/me. So exciting.

Saturday morning - slept in, and wasn't supposed to. Got to Kim's Volleyball event a little late, but it was all good. Got to see/meet tons of others that adore Kim and had a wonderful time getting to know Randi, Sammy, etc. It was great. Afterwards, we took the money and the cards and our energy and headed up to see Kim, and she was so glad to see us. I can't wait to see the pictures on the website.

Saturday night - had dinner with a good friend that I haven't seen in ages. Too long, to be sure. So good to see him, and it was a wonderfully relaxing dinner/evening. Can't wait to do it again.

Today, got the house cleaned, and working on getting packed. Need to look at the weather and figure out what to take.

Whew - getting tired. When's vacation?


Amanda: said...

vacation is now!! enjoy :)
August 11, 2009 at 6:28 PM

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