Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AUGUST 25, 2009

I'm sitting at work last Friday, and up walks a colleague who says, "Hey celebrity!" Hmmmm.....since there hasn't been much PR activity in my world lately, I didn't know what he was talking about. Then, he posted this page from the Arizona republic's 8/21/09 edition on the cork board near my cube. Lo and behold, there was a picture of me and the kids from last year's photo shoot with The Wellness Community, and a quote from the interview I did earlier this summer. They used this as an advertisement for an organization called Arizona Grantmakers Forum, which provides educational resources, research and networking opportunities for grant makers in AZ (so says the ad). And, AGF apparently helped St. Luke's Health Initiatives provide funding to TWC, which in turn used me and the kids as the poster-family for their organization. I had NO idea this was happening - SO COOL! 

Yes, I went out a bought a paper. And, I did try to post the picture online here, but I only have the capability to save it as a pdf file, and blogger only allows jpegs, etc. Bummer. 

Of course, the kids and I look fantastic and it's well done. (I can say that because you can't see it....LOL!)


Jill said...
SUPER COOL.... I'm glad he saw it :) Superdooooooper star you are... okay now I am starting to rhyme to you... lol. Thinking about you lots and hope all is well.
August 25, 2009 at 2:31 PM

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