Monday, August 3, 2009

AUGUST 3, 2009

and, I saw her yesterday. She's doing so well. I was terrified this weekend b/c I hadn't heard anything from her mom or Erin, and I was thinking the worst. Instead, she has had a wonderful weekend, and I hope this upward trend stays the course. She looked wonderful when I saw her yesterday - we actually took a walk (well, I pushed her) around the floor and downstairs to the main level, which she hasn't seen since she got there. Big day, overall. Check out her blog for more pictures and updates. I am SO proud of her.

Emotional day for me today - I think part of it's hormones, but I think another part of it is that I realized this morning that my brother's getting married next week. Overall, emotional for that because I am so happy for him. But, when I was diagnosed, this was one event that I didn't want to miss, and it pissed me off to think that this cancer could somehow ruin my brother's big day. And, now that it's here, I can't believe that I've made it. This is a goal that I set when I was first diagnosed (go back to my earliest posts, and you'll see that this is something I blogged about a few times), and it literally just hit me this morning that this is here.

So, I did it. I beat cancer and I WILL make it to my brother's wedding. I will stand up for him and Ashley, in front of friends and family. I will walk down the aisle with my husband and my kid and I will be there to support my family and celebrate this growing of our family.

And, I couldn't be happier about this.

Yes, I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. As I said, I'm emotional today (I also just finished looking at Kim's blog, so that isn't helping...), but I think this is a pretty big accomplishment. And proof positive, again, that I kicked colon cancer's ass.



Amanda: said...
You'll have an even better time at the wedding because you've EARNED your chance to be there for it - with your blood, sweat and tears. Way to go, you!!!
August 3, 2009 at 11:11 AM
Blogger Tina said...
Congratulations! You made it! I hope and pray you'll have a WONDERFUL time with your family. You SO deserve it!! (and you made me cry too!)
Tina :-)))
August 3, 2009 at 12:07 PM
Blogger Heat said...
I am so excited for you!! I have a short list of things that I cried when I knew I'd be able to do it, or while I was doing it. (I cried in the middle of my triathlon.) Finally: happy tears from this ordeal.
August 3, 2009 at 9:59 PM
Blogger Denise said...

Enjoyed your blog!

Another cancer survivor
August 5, 2009 at 6:43 AM

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