Saturday, August 1, 2009

AUGUST 1, 2009

It has definitely been a long week. I am glad it's the weekend, and I'm even more glad that the kids haven't been here. It would have been much more difficult to work through the issues I was having if I had to worry about cooking, cleaning, taking care of them, worrying about bath night, etc.

More issues with the mortgage company, but we are working on them. Suffice it to say that I contacted them, was lied to (flat-out lied to!) three times, called the lady on the lies, questioned her company's integrity, was ready to fly to North Carolina to kill said lady, and was finally transferred to a nice lady who made me feel better. I was also having issues with my car loan company, but also got those resolved (at 6am this morning).

For those of you following Kim's story, please say extra prayers for her and her family. (Her blog is on the blog list to the right of your screen...) Things aren't going well at all. She had a great Sunday last weekend, and then it's been downhill from there. She's had issues with eating, sleeping, intenstinal issues, fluid on her lungs, and now, blood clots in BOTH legs, ankle to thigh. They are working to try to get those broken up, but they have to be careful because they can't use a blood thinner b/c of the other issues. So, apparently, they put in a foley (which I think is like a catheter) yesterday so she doesn't move around and inadvertently loosen one of the clots. They are also going to use a roto-rooter kind of thing to try to break up the clots and get them moving in small pieces, so they don't cause problems. I don't know what's going to happen, for sure - I am hoping to see her today, but it all depends on how last night went. Please, just say an extra prayer for her and her family - I have a feeling this isn't going to end the way we all would like it to, and it's going to be hard on everyone. I know I'm struggling with it, too.

Plus, there have been other issues that have come up (I won't go into them here....) that have weighed heavily on my mind. Sometimes, I just want to ask people why they think the small, insignificant things are so important when they clearly don't have any effect on the overall scheme of things. Is this because of my view on life due to the cancer? I don't know. All I know is that I don't want to worry about things or waste my time on issues that I don't feel have any relevance to the situation at hand. I frankly don't want to waste my time on bickering and hurt feelings and emotional people when this time could be spent on other things, like helping people. *sigh* I understand that people don't always have the same views on things - that's what makes this country great. But, you have to accept that people are going to disagree with each other - and, realize that that's OK. I just don't want to waste anymore time worrying about things that I feel don't matter. Quite honestly, life's too short for that. Wake up, smell the coffee, grow up, move on, and get over yourself. Everyone will be MUCH happier.

But, it's the weekend. Last night, I got to unwind and relax a bit, got some things done on the computer and slept well. This morning, I walked over 2.5 miles (feels good!) and will be heading to Heat's dessert party (to totally undo the walking I did!!!). Heat and I met at The Wellness Community back in March, and we have been communicating mainly through email and facebook. She seems like such a genuine person, and I can't wait to get to know her better. Tomorrow, I am going jewelry and shoe shopping for the wedding with a friend, so that will be fun.

This week, I am meeting with a fellow colorectal survivor on Monday night (she's 30 and lives near me, so I'm really excited about that). I also have an i[2]y event on Friday night (if you want more information on this, please let me know) which I kind of came up with last-minute. It should be fun though - there has been great response, so I'm looking forward to meeting other i[2]y-ers and to getting this chapter started. Very exciting. This is our first even here in Phoenix, and it's kind of nerve-racking to know that it's all on me to make sure it's successful.

Next weekend, I am working an event on Kim's behalf - her college is having a volleyball camp, and she has asked me to advocate on her behalf. So, I'll be there at 7am on Saturday handing out awareness information and working to make sure people are aware of the symptoms. Saturday or Sunday, I have a friend that I haven't seen in, um, 15 years coming into town and we are going to go to dinner. Cheesecake Factory - I've never been, so I'm VERY excited. And, I have to pack because the following Wednesday, I head back to NY! Very exciting.

Whew - now that I go back and read all that, I'm tired. But, it's all good. Somewhere in there, we are going to have a Colon Cancer Alliance meeting as well. Busy busy busy.

Maybe things will calm down once the kids get back! LOL! :-)


Heat said...
If life was calm and everything was going the way it was supposed to, would you know what to do with yourself?

I struggle with that sometimes. It's an interesting thing to be bad at ;)

Glad things are looking up with your house! I'm sorry they're such assholes LOL

It's a shame we don't live closer together, 'cause I could totally see us getting together more often!
August 2, 2009 at 9:35 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Here's hoping this coming week is way better than last :)
August 2, 2009 at 5:25 PM

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