Wednesday, July 29, 2009

JULY 29, 2009

This might be one of the coolest ideas I have heard of in a long time. They make jewelery that is in the same shape as your scar. HOW COOL!

You all kind of know how proud I am of my port scar (and the other ones). My port scar is a visible reminder to me and others of what I have been through, and it's a source of pride and joy for me - look at what I have accomplished, and look where I am now. Even the multiple scars on my belly (from 2 C-sections, gall bladder removal surgery, and my colon resection) are gorgeous - they are my war wounds, so to speak.

The idea of having a tangible memory of my scar is so intriguing - I know my port scar will fade, and it does make me sad. It's become such a huge part of who I am, and it helps me define myself. That's part of the reason for the tattoo - look, see what I have been through, ask me questions, and let me tell you my story.

I don't know if this grosses others out - it's definitely a unique website and a funky idea, but I find it amazing....and, uplifting. It's so nice to know I'm not the only person who thinks my scar is beautiful!


Carol Urban said...

My port surgery is tomorrow morning. I start chemo on Tuesday. Same regimen; Folfox with Avastin.
July 30, 2009 at 7:11 PM

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