Friday, July 17, 2009

JULY 17, 2009

If you have seen Kim's story, read her blog, or seen me post about her and her fight against this disease, you must must must must go to the link above and read the story.

Don't forget to get the tissues - you'll need them. I know I did.

I am so happy that her family got this. They deserve so much, and this one little thing would have made Kim's day. I can just see her smile and her family's joy as it must have been when they got the news.

Kim heads to CTCA on Monday for an evaluation. I am so glad for this. As you know, I went there last week, and was blown away at what they have to offer. I'm hoping that they can give Kim some hope. I'm also hoping that I can go see her next week.

I will admit that it's been tough on me personally watching Kim's decline. I am dealing with a lot of emotions - helplessness that I can't fight this off for her, guilt that I beat my cancer and she can't, anger that she and I and others are having to fight this blasted disease. I will be posting more in a while - the kids head out this weekend, and I'll have more time to sort through feelings, etc. I actually go to see a therapist on Thursday to help me deal with all that's going on - I'm hopeful that this will help me handle things a bit better. We'll see...

On a good note, in less than a month, I will be ignoring my facebook, twitter, webpages, and this blog, because I'll be in my husband's arms, enjoying life.


I can't wait.


Amanda: said...
How cool for Kim and her family!
July 17, 2009 at 2:12 PM
Blogger Carol Urban said...

The results of my PET scan are that it looks like my cancer is back. There is a spot on the right ovary. There are at least four lymph nodes involved this time. One near the pancreas and others in the chest.

They want to biopsy what's in the chest. They aren't sure it's cancer. It could be an infection. They don't want to start chemo until we know what we're dealing with. He's only focused on one and that one is less than half an inch in diameter.

I don't know any more than that. I won't know more until I hear from my oncologist on 7/28. Yesterday's meeting was with my surgical oncologist in Pittsburgh.

They said they already know I respond well to chemo, it did extend my life one year already, so I'll do the same chemo (Folfox regimen) if it turns out to be cancer.

That's about it. Sorry it is bad news but it could have been worse. I cried all afternoon now I'm done crying about it and will deal with it.

We have not shared the news with family and my son Ralph & bride Jessica are still on their honeymoon. We won't tell anyone until they get back.
July 23, 2009 at 6:19 AM

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