Tuesday, July 7, 2009

JULY 7, 2009

I think I have a new nickname - Cancer-ella. Isn't that fabulous? I want a tee shirt....

Where did I get this? I have been watching (not very closely, admittedly, but watching) Lance Armstrong's quest for his 8th Tour de France, and he is in second place today. Woo! I went to an 
article and misread the name of the current yellow-shirted leader. The leader's name? Cancellara.

And, yes, I absolutely misread it. I read cancer-ella. Like, Cinderella, but with cancer.

So, I think a tasteful little tiara, perhaps a septer, wouldn't be out of order here.

And, I am TOTALLY going to try to get a tee shirt made. Will have to check cafepress - perhaps someone already came up with this brilliant idea. If not - I am TOTALLY marketing this.

Don't steal my idea. Unless you are getting me my tiara. :-)


Carol Urban said...

I will find you a tiara, Miss Cancer-ella! Fer shur!
July 8, 2009 at 4:30 AM

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