Saturday, July 4, 2009

JULY 4, 2009

Happy 4th everyone. I won't go into too much detail, but this has been a decent week. I don't want to spend all day on the computer, but I wanted to pay my respects to those that have served our country, those that are serving our country, and their families. Thank you for everything you do - the sacrifices you make, the challenges and danger you face, and for your love of this country. It's people like you that make my life worth fighting for, and I couldn't be more grateful.

Be a true American today - thank a soldier.

(One of my favorite things to do in my local neighborhood - since we live so close to an Air Force base and have a large population of military families in this area - is to walk up to a soldier in uniform and thank him or her. They are usually running errands before heading home to their families, and this usually takes them by surprise and makes them smile. It makes me tear up every time, because I know that those small words mean SO MUCH to them.)


I forgot to blog about this earlier this week, and I apologize. :-) I became an aunt for the first (biological) time this week! My brother Bob and his fiancee Ashley had their baby on Wednesday, July 1st at 2:22 pm East Coast time. (Okay - well, Ashley had the baby after 30 hours of labor, and Bob supervised...). Isabella Rose was 7 pounds 1 ounce, and was 20 1/4 inches long. All are home and doing well, adjusting to life as a family of three.

Now comes the fun part - Bob and Ashley get married on August 15th. Who's taking my bet that the baby steals the show at the wedding?!?!

Introducing Isabella Rose to the world!!!

Isn't she gorgeous?!?!

Just checking things out - I can't believe how alert she is...

It's very tiring being out here....

Congratulations to Ash and Bob - I can't wait to meet my niece!!!


If you haven't checked out Kim's blog lately, please do. She's back in the hospital. I'm worried. Please, pray for her and her family....

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