Friday, July 24, 2009

JULY 24, 2009

A quick update here. The past week has been interesting. I spent last Saturday getting the kids packed up and spending time with them. Sunday, I took them and Dad to the airport, and I was fine until they started walking down the jetway. Then, it was tear city. Even the gate agent gave me the "Awwww." But, it all worked out fine - the kids made it to NY, are spending awesome time with their Dad uncles and grandparents, and are having an absolute blast. I have been busy all nights this week (purposely), so this weekend will really be the first time that I am in the house, by myself. We'll see what happens.

Financial update - I put a check in the mail today equalling one month's mortgage payment. It's not going to pull us back to even, but it definitely takes some stress off my shoulders. Now, onto the next month's worries...

This weekend, my goal is to clean the house - I mean, deep-down-scrub-things-to-within-an-inch-of-their-lives clean. I want to do what I didn't do before we moved in and what I had been hoping to do last summer before the cancer struck. I figured this is as good a time as any - no kids, no bothersome requests. LOL! :-) I want to get the toys sorted and the closets cleaned out. We'll see what happens.

I went to visit with Kim last night - she's doing well. She was having some issues with pain meds not being administered properly, so we took care of that, but she's doing really well, considering what she's been through. I think she's sick and tired of people coming in a thinly-veiled attempt to say goodbye, as if she's dying tomorrow. I can understand that. It's hard when people feel obligated to come and see you - yes, she's sick and yes, she's fighting cancer, but come to say hi, relieve her anxiety and give the family a break - please don't come to her with the intentions of saying goodbye and walking out thinking you might not see her alive again. (I went through this as well, and I can totally get where she's at.)

What else? This weekend, as I said, is going to be quiet. I will go see Kim again, and I am actually looking forward to some quiet me-time.

Oh!!! I went to the therapist last night. Awesome meeting, and we have the next meeting set up. I think this is definitely going to help me work through some of the issues that I am feeling. We talked a but yesterday about so many things, and she seemed to understand where I was coming from. She also lost a husband to cancer ten years ago, and it helps to have someone that understands the horrors of fighting this disease.

All right - more later. I have a vent/rant coming forth, posting soon....not about me, about my oncologist. (Interested? Stay tuned....)


Amanda: said...
Enjoy your free time! It's hard without kids, but just think how much stuff you'll be able to accomplish!! Good luck purging the house - that's my kind of therapy :)
July 24, 2009 at 10:39 AM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
I love to read your posts. Even if shit is flying and things are absolutely frikkin horrible you still sound so positive and full of love and hope. I love that! I identify with you in so many ways. Cancer sisters. Does that even apply? Women who meet up through a horrible disease and bond? Well I think so. :)
July 24, 2009 at 11:13 AM
Blogger Heat said...

Two thumbs up for a good therapist!

Two thumbs up for time to yourself!

That's four thumbs!

(Feelin' a little goofy...)
July 24, 2009 at 5:53 PM

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