Thursday, August 6, 2009

AUGUST 6, 2009

When the kids are here and we get into the car, Kevin inevitably asks, "I go Papa's house?" He loves going over to his Nana's and Papa's, and it's a disappointment when he can't go over there. It's a question I have come to expect from him and usually try to stave off with an explanation as we head out the door of the house as to where we are going.

This morning, my Dad called me to tell me that for the past couple of days, anytime he and Kevin get into the car, Kevin's first question is, "I go Mommy's house?"

ARGH! So heartbreaking. I can't wait to see my kids next week. I am missing them something awful. It's been good for me emotionally, mentally, etc. to be alone for a while, but I am REALLY looking forward to being together with my husband and my kids next week.


Amanda: said...

You guys are gonna be so excited to be together again! We'll be happy dancing with you :)
August 7, 2009 at 7:34 AM

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