Saturday, May 31, 2008

MAY 31, 2008

Yesterday, shortly after I posted the last entry, my surgeon came into the room and asked when I wanted to go home. Mom said that she could have the car around the front of the hospital in 15 minutes, and the doctor said okay!!! While it wasn't 15 minutes, the doctor did release me. I couldn't believe it. Neither could my mom. I had been told in pre-op discussions that I would be in the hospital at least three nights, which would have put me to at least Saturday in the hospital. But, luckily, I was able to eat a real meal and sleep in my bed last night. It was divine.

Speaking of divine, I was also able to shower this morning. Really, you take that kind of luxury for granted until it is completely denied to you. What bliss it was to be there, with water running over me, and to be able to shampoo my head.

So, I am home with my family. And, lots and lots of flowers and planters. Thanks to Honeywell, my parents and brothers, Dan and Debby Phinney, Ken and Kay Jongsma (from Honeywell), my children, and anyone else that I have forgotten to thank. Tiffany (my boss from work), thank you so much for stopping by yesterday. It was wonderful to see you, and just an upswing in my attitude to know that I work for such a wonderful company. Unfortunately, she stopped by the room literally as we were leaving the hospital, so I only got to see her for a few moments, but anything was nice. I appreciate all the support I am getting from everyone, and am just grateful to have this amazing group of friends and family.

If you want to call, please call me at home. If you need that number, shoot me an email and I will give it to you. We see the oncologist on Wednesday, and my surgeon sometime late next week. I don't think we will have answers until then, but I will update as I do get them.

And, we are going to celebrate Kevin's birthday tonight. It should be fun - we got him his favorite Oreo cake from Target. Yum!

Amy Largenton said...
May 31, 2008 at 6:18 PM
Blogger Young Family said...
You're what?!!?

See - amazing things can happen!
May 31, 2008 at 7:42 PM
Awesome! What a lot of celebration there must've been going on on Friday! Welcome home!
May 31, 2008 at 7:49 PM
Blogger Nancy said...
was glad to hear that you made it home ...and i know it meant a lot to you...its a long journey and you are never alone ...and remember (when you are down to nothing ..God is up to something..)love you all Aunt Nancy
May 31, 2008 at 10:16 PM
Blogger ashley said...
I am so happy that you are home!! You are so strong and amazing. I hope you had a great time celebrating Kevins Birthday!! I don`t have your house number but I will ask Bob for it and I will talk to you soon!!
June 1, 2008 at 7:06 AM
Blogger Ally said...
Yay! So glad to hear you got to go home already and so you can really celebrate Kevin' birthday!!!
Have fun!! and Happy Birthday to him!
Amazing news and stay strong, Michelle! Loved your Aunt Nancy's quote in her reply here too, great to remember that! :)
June 1, 2008 at 11:10 AM

Friday, May 30, 2008

MAY 30, 2008

First, thank you to everyone that has sent well wishes, good thoughts, and prayers our way. It has helped me, knowing that I have such an amazing support system to get through this. You just never realize what you have until something like this comes along. I have been reading your comments and emails, and while I won't respond until I get home, please know that I am reading them.

Thanks to my mom and Sharon for updating everyone. It has been a long week, to say the least, and I know this is just the beginning of the road ahead.

Reading through the blogs, you have just about all of the information that I have received at this point. Right now, I am sitting in my hospital room, watching daytime TV (not very interesting...). My pain level is still pretty manageable, and the doctors and nurses have been very supportive. At this point, we are still waiting on information from the pathology reports. I spoke with a PA and an MD this morning from the oncology group that I will be working with, and we really have to wait until those reports come back before we know for sure what we are facing. It looks like I have either stage 2 or 3 cancer, and the determination will be how far into the lymph nodes the cancer has spread. Once we have that information, we can determine a plan of attack.

Right now, I feel really good. As you all know, I was allowed to have solid food for lunch. It was good, fo hospital food, but then again, I was pretty hungry, so I might not be the best judge. I will say, however, that both Mom and I agree that while the chicken noodle soup looked delicious, it was, as Julia would say, IS-gusting.

Yesterday, Mom brought the kids up to visit me. It was so wonderful having them there. I am sad that I am going to miss Kevin's birthday today, but if missing this one means that I won't have to miss anymore, then so be it. They made me get well cards at daycare yesterday, and as I sit here, they are on my shelving unit, next to the flowers I got from my parents and brothers, my team at work, and my kids. It brightens my day, seeing them.

They took the cath out today, so I have been up and around walking and moving around, which helps. I get tired pretty quickly, but it's okay. I am still recovering, much to my chagrin. LOL!

I say my surgeon yesterday, and she and I are already talking about me being a spokesperson for Colon Cancer prevention. Basically, there are doctors and nurses coming in to visit me b/c I am such an anomoly - I mean, we already knew that, but specifically regarding this type of cancer. Most people that get colon cancer are older. So, we talked about me becoming a "personality" of sorts, to tell people that colon cancer isn't isolated to people in their 50s. It can happen to people with no symptoms or reasons to get it. It sucks, but there you go.

I know I have been rambling. Sorry - I am trying to cover everything before I take a nap. Again, thanks to everyone for your support and love. Please know that I love you all, and appreciate your prayers. I can't wait to get to the other side, and say that I beat cancer. What a great accomplishment that will be. Till the next post....

With love,

Hi!! What a nice surprise! I was just taking a break and thought I'd check to see if Mom had posted and here you are...

It's incredible that your trotting around, eating big girl foods and blogging just 2 days after major surgery! You're not just a poster child for cancer, but for strength and hope and character too, and an inspiration to us all :)

Oh yeah, and an anomoly... ha ha ha... they should've just asked us... we could've told them that ages ago! :)

We love you... Talk soon! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kevin... what a big boy! :)
May 30, 2008 at 1:35 PM
Blogger Ally said...
Hang tough, Michelle! Love ya! I will continue to check for updates!
many prayers coming your way!
May 31, 2008 at 7:42 AM

Thursday, May 29, 2008

MAY 29, 2008

Better than bad news, I guess. Today was another long day. After I dropped the kids at daycare, I headed in hoping to be there when the doctors arrived. (Steph -- I liked your idea much better!) Unfortunately, it was to no avail. No doctors arrived before I left for the day. But we did have a goal to work towards -- they told Michelle she could be put on solids once she passed gas. Yup, they meant fart, let one rip, poo-tinky (as Mich used to call it), drop a big fat juicy one. (Sorry, I let my years with three sons and a husband get to me for a moment.)

Unfortunately for Michelle (but fortunately for me) she wasn't able to let one go before I left. But, I'm sure she will keep trying.

She did get out of bed today and did go for three walks. She made it about 10 feet on the first try before turning around. She doubled that for the second, and on the third made it around half of the floor. The nurses were very pleased.

Speaking of the nurses, she had a great one today that took a lot of time with us to talk about what we need to be focusing on... keeping her strength up, being willing to ask for help, handling not only the physical but also the emotional side of this, nutrition, etc. Michelle and I both felt we understood things better, in general. Where we are short on info is on the specifics.

We do have an appointment next week with the oncologist and hopefully will get the plans laid out for us at that meeting. We are going to try to learn even more tomorrow, which by the way, is Kevin's 2nd birthday!

Keep us in your prayers and drop her notes. I will be printing all comments and taking them in to her!

Love to all,

Mom Whitehead

Aha! There you are... :) The 'no news' sentiment was exactly what I was telling Phil I was hoping for. Tee hee... I have to chuckle at the fact that we'll all know now as soon as Michelle toots! :) I remember being quite shocked at how interested everyone was at my bodily functions after the c-section. So I guess they weren't kidding... the recovery on this is quite like a c-sect!

Anyway, Michelle... it looks like you're recovering like a champ! Just don't push it too hard. And Mom... try and take it a bit easy too. Hopefully the kids and Levi are also holding up. And hopefully we'll get some more concrete plans soon.

Oh, I can't believe Kevin is 2 already. Are we celebrating a bit late, or are we going to do a small something tomorrow and then do it up later? Either way, give him a giant squeeze from us!

Keep smilin' and we'll chat again soon! We love ya'll!!! :)

Later that evening:

Yup, thar she blows! Michelle can have solids tomorrow!

Thought you would all like to know...



Young Family said...
Crack me up --- living with Craig has also giving me a sincere ... um, appreciation .... for such bodily functions!

So - I had all sorts of thoughts with that, but just imagined Michelle just working on that all day. Too funny --- congrats Michelle on the new MOVEMENT tonight and enjoy those yummy hospital solids tomorrow.

I haven't thought about solid food since Amelia was about 6 months....

And, happy birthday Kevin! Can you believe it!?!? Holy smokes! I am so sad though that you are in the hospital, but thank God it's his b-day and not Julia's (since she would remember!!).

Need anything? Can we do anything from MI? Think happy farts.....I mean thoughts?!

Take care and get some sleep tonight!!!
May 29, 2008 at 7:37 PM
Yaaaaay! Congratulations Michelle!! Very nice accomplishment indeed! What's your first solid gonna be? Beans? A blow pop or two? :)

So I went in search of fart funnies and happened upon this site. My oh my... who has this much time?? This site's too long to print but I just thought it might be good for a laugh if you've ever wondered where farts go when you hold them in, or if turtles fart, or the origin of the word fart, or if you can freeze a fart, then you must skim it at some point Hooray for gas! :)

PS: Steph - I understand! Tell your husband that he is still the only person who has EVER deliberately farted right ON me! He seemed to think he had to seek retribution for something I did at Amy's wedding... Soooooo gross!!!!! :)
May 29, 2008 at 7:59 PM
Blogger Nancy said...
all from Texas send their love and best wishes...we know you are strong and there are a lot of people praying and standing behind you here.You keep up the best you can and dont push it sweetie...happy birthday to is a special one ..he has a good family.with all our love ..your Texas family.....
May 30, 2008 at 11:12 AM
Blogger Amy Largenton said...
LEVI must be so proud on you farting. congrats on the great accomplishment

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MAY 28, 2008

Hi - this is Michelle's friend Sharon posting on Michelle and the gang's behalf. Here is a recap from today that I received from Mom Whitehead along the way...

Around 12:30 (AZ/PST time), Michelle was in the operating room. The surgeons noted that they had to remove about a foot of her colon which is a bit more than expected, but they were very hopeful that with the aggressive approach her doctor took, that they'd caught this early enough to have a great chance at curing her.

Around 2 PST, we got news that the surgery went well - the removal and reconstruction went according to plan. The only glitch is that they found the tumor to not be firm and round (which is the best case). Instead, the term the surgeon used was 'concave' meaning that the tumor had begun to collapse into itself and this is usually a less desirable sign. They did however remove everything as planned, along with tissue and lymph nodes to be tested further. They did indicate that Michelle will probably need some chemo, but the extent will be determined once the pathology reports come back. They have expedited the labs and so we're all hoping to get more news tomorrow. I will post if Mom is unable soon as I hear something.

I did speak with Michelle briefly. She's groggy and her throat hurts since they had to intubate her for the surgery. However, she sounded great for someone just a few hours out of major surgery. She'll be able to go on a liquid diet tomorrow which will hopefully start speeding up the recovery. She made sure to remind me to update the blog so everyone would be up to speed :) If you are reading this, let's be thankful she's overcome this one hurdle and hope and pray that they got everything they needed to get and what little chemo she will need will zap everything else! Keep thinking great thoughts and praying for the entire clan and she will beat this as we all know Michelle can! :)

Finally, I thought I'd educate myself a bit on her type of cancer, and thought I'd share a site with some quick facts...
... and one with a ton of details...

P.S. - apologies for the lateness of this post. My phone turned itself off and I didn't realize until I really started to worry that Mom hadn't called, checked and found out that she'd called 2 hours earlier! I'll try not to fall down on my job again... :)

Young Family said...
Thanks, Sharon - I've been checking this thing all night wondering how things happened and not wanting to bug anyone. I am ALWAYS up until at least 11p EST, so feel free to call too.....and, I would let you wake me up anyway!

How quickly will they start chemo? Did they know that yet?

Definitely still praying and praying and praying and wondering how soon we should wait before we come out to help. Mom Whitehead - please let us know what we can do to help from MI!

Thanks and love to all!

 Later that evening...

Hi all,

I wanted to thank Sharon for keeping you all updated. As you can imagine, it was a long, long day. But, Michelle came out of it with her humor intact.

At this point, we don't know when 1) she will be home, 2) when we can anticipate the pathology report, or 3) when chemo will start. In essence, we are still in the dark. I'm heading back to the hospital early tomorrow a.m. in the hopes that I can beat the doctors in so I can ask, ask and ask. As soon as we know anything, we will get the info to you.

Please continue sending your messages and comments! They have helped Michelle and me get through the last few days and will help keep us in smiles in the days to come. Love to all from the entire Hastings and Whitehead families!

Mom Whitehead

Young Family said...
So - did you mean "beat them (doctors) in" as get there first or as clobber them until they give you some answers! :)

Just looking for clarification.

Would it help to have one of us call the hospital on planned 2-minute intervals to push for answers?!?!? Yeah - probably not.....

Thanks for keeping us posted....


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

MAY 27, 2008

Okay - I just got off the phone with my Dr. We have been given a blessing. The cancer has not spread. We did get verification that it is, indeed, cancer. However, it is what is called a sygmoid cancer, and that the cancer hasn't spread. Woo! At this point, we are still on for surgery tomorrow. The doctor is going to take the portion of the colon with the polyps and the tumor out, and she will also remove some lymph nodes. Based on the pathology results from the tumor and the lymph nodes, they will determine if I need to pursue chemo. 

Basically, my doctor said that it looks like this JUST turned to cancer, and that it looks like we caught it in the earliest stages. The doctor said that this was the best possible news we could have received

So, tomorrow I go in for surgery. I will probably be in the hospital for about 3-5 days, and then we will decide based on the pathology reports what the next step is. As I said before, I will beat this thing. And, I will become an advocate for early screening. Apparently, that's my new mission.

Nancy said...
Hi sweetie..just finished talking to mom and then read your blog and thank God For the Blessing he has given you.I am so proud for you and i am going to send out the strongest prayers possible.You are going to beat this and go on to do the work you want.Know i sen my love sweetie and that you are in my thoughts and my heart aunt nancy
May 27, 2008 at 7:14 PM
Blogger Ally said...
Yay! I am so glad to hear that it has NOT spread and I am praying they get it all and you will be fine!
Hang tough, Michelle! and I know you will!
love and hugs and many prayers!
May 28, 2008 at 4:47 PM
Blogger Misty Belcher said...
Hey girl. Just wanted to say hello and that I am thinking about you and praying for you and your family. Hugs to all of you.

Monday, May 26, 2008

MAY 26, 2008

First, thanks to all that read this that are veterans, currently serving, in the military, etc. Thank you to the families that support our military personnel. I know that I wouldn't be able to write this blog without your service. You are truly heroes in every sense of the word, and I take strength in your ability to sacrifice. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

So, tomorrow's a big day. We find out if this evilness has spread. I really hope it hasn't. In my mind, this is the first really big hurdle. Obviously, the ideal situation is that this isn't cancer (there is the slightest chance - I have hope.) If it is, then the next best scenario would be that it hasn't spread.

We haven't told Julia anything yet. I am going to talk with her today. Basically, we are going to keep it simple. The doctors need to help Mommy feel better, so she is going to be in the hospital for a few days. I am NOT going to tell her it's cancer. Yet. If the time comes that we need to, we will cross that bridge then. Until then, all she needs to know is that the doctors are going to fix me.

Levi and I are trying to keep busy today. I think that's the best thing to do. He is cleaning out the garage, making room for the car and truck. Apparently, there have been a rash of gas thieves in the area, and he wants to try to avoid this, if possible. His concern isn't so much that they are going to get the gas - it's the method they are using. If the can't get the gas cap off, they drill a hole in the gas tank and drain it that way. Hmph - I know times are tough, but is it that bad? I guess for some it is. Hard to imagine. I spent the morning paying bills, trying to get things in order, and moving a bunch of songs to my new MP3 player (Jimmy, Bob and Greg - I finally got one!!!) I am psyched - we had a bunch of songs that I forgot about, and some that made me laugh. My theme song for the day? "You've Got To Fight for the Right to Party" by the Beastie Boys. :-) Isn't that perfect?!?!

Kevin is napping now - I think both kids can feel that something isn't right. With Kevin, it's a bit easier to, well, ignore. With Julia, not so much.

I spoke with my prof for class yesterday. He suggested that I try to stick this class out - he was diagnosed with cancer (two small spots on his bladder) when he was in the beginning of a doctoral class, and he found that having the classwork to focus on was a good distraction. I am going to try - so much is riding on the outcome of the biopsy and the cat scan tomorrow. That will really determine what I will be able to do in the near future.

I think that's it for now. As I said, I am going to try to update you as the days go by. Today I have a special diet I have to follow - same as yesterday. It isn't too bad, but it still isn't fun. Low sugar, low carbs, high protein. Basically, meats, dairy, fruits, vegs, etc are okay. All the good stuff (bread, sweets, etc.) is off limits. Bummer. Tomorrow is going to be tough too, though there is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for tomorrow. I can't eat anything after 9am, and can only drink water after that time, in preparation for the cat scan. And, b/c of the surgery on Wednesday, I have to be on an all-liquid diet on Tuesday. But, the saving grace? The nurse I spoke with on Friday said that I can have a milkshake on Tuesday night. So, my treat to myself will be a big milkshake (I haven't decided a flavor yet....) after the cat scan. Let's hope it's a celebratory milkshake.

Here's to tomorrow....

Hi babe,
Ok, I don't think I've cried this as many times in 3 days as I have this weekend. But you know what? It's not a sad cry (ok, so the first one was a 'sad-freaked out-what the hell will I do w/out Michelle' cry :)), but after that it's mainly been tears of admiration and laughter (I'm sorry, you're funny when you're p*ssed :)), rage, hope.

So many thoughts have raced through my head the past few days, and this perspective actually might help? I was thinking... there have been so many people, perhaps far more worthy than us, who have had their lives snatched from them with little or no warning. No chance to say good bye. No last hug or kiss. No chance to reflect. No chance to realize the impact they've had on the lives of the ones who love them. No chance to meet Buzz Lightyear again.

We've been given an unpleasant little wake up call for sure, but with it, that hopeful chance to fight this. And God help us, fight it we will! No cancer has ever met our Michelle that's for damned sure, and no cancer's ever met her friends and family either! We might not be able to battle this one out beside you but we will all be living this each day with you. You will do fine tomorrow, and on Wed and all the days to come bec you're Michelle and Michelle always finds her way :) Just know that we will love you each step of that way, and we'll have that celebration in Vegas in soon enough!

Praying and thinking happy thoughts... will talk to ya later in the week :)
May 26, 2008 at 3:16 PM
Blogger Ally said...
I am so sorry you are going through this, your attitude is awesome and you hang tough! Yes! You will beat this!
I anxiously await the results of your scan today...I am hoping and praying all will be ok!!!
Many hugs and prayers coming your way!
May 27, 2008 at 6:50 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

MAY 25, 2008

Well, here it is. My first blog about my battle with cancer. Here's the scoop....

For about 5 or 6 months, I have been having some blood in my stool. Nothing really serious - just a little bit here and there. You know, enough to make you go, hmmmm. (Wasn't that a song?) Anyways, I happened to mention it to Levi in passing. Next thing I know, I am being told that I WILL go to the doctor's (his dad had similar issues). Okeedokee. So, I set the appointment, and am completely embarrassed to go. I mean, who wants to tell the doctor that they have blood on their poop. Really. He does a quick check for hemmorhoids, and while he is pretty sure that's what is causing this issue, he isn't 100% sure, and refers me to Dr. McConnell (and, I know she has a specialty, with a name and fancy lettering that goes after her name, but I can't remember her specialty for the life of me. We will call her the Butt Doctor, for now.)

Off to Dr. McConnells I go, about three weeks later. She does a check and says that since she doesn't see anything specific (meaning hemmorhoids) that are causing the bleeding, we should do a colonoscopy. Say what? I was pretty sure that I was safe from that malady until I was like 50. Nope - so that gets scheduled. I figure, I have time. Let's do it over the Memorial Day weekend, so I have time to recover.

Fast forward to this past Friday. After having only a liquid diet and then prepping (let's just say that it isn't a pretty picture, this prep process), I went in to the outpatient center on Friday morning, dreading the IV, looking forward to the meds that would knock me out, and really anticipating having a nice lunch with Levi after it was all said and done. The techs in the room were hysterical - they and Levi had me laughing right up until they knocked me out, even saying that they would be ready with the tube of Preparation H for me afterwards.

Recovery room: I wake up, and am told that I have cancer. They tell me about it, and show me color pictures. They can't give me a 100% diagnosis yet, since they had to send the tissue sample to the lab, but given my age and the tumor size, they are going to proceed as if it's cancer, and be aggressive about it. Okay. So wait - I have cancer? Yes. That's the short answer.

After they leave the room, I sat in the bed and cried, well, sobbed on Levi's shoulder for several minutes. What does this mean? Will I be alive in 6 months? Will I be able to see my kids grow up? Will I be able to celebrate another anniversary with Levi? Am I going to be able to finish my schooling? Will I be able to see what happens to Warrick and the team on CSI: in September when the new season starts? (Okay - that last one didn't really cross my mind, but you get the picture.)

The nurses and the doctors kept coming in, asking what they could do. Well, you could take this cancer out of me so I can go back to being Michelle, mom without cancer. Since they can't do that, they were able to tell me what they know. At this point, the facts are that I have a 5 cm tumor (about the size of a small lemon) in my colon. We are treating it as cancer at this point, until we hear differently (here's hoping...). Because it's cancer, they need to see if it has spread to other organs and/or lymph nodes. And, they need to get it out, now.

On that note, Tuesday afternoon (May 27) I have to go in for a CAT scan (I think they actually called it a PAT scan), which will tell them if the cancer has spread to other sites.
***PLEASE pray that it hasn't.*** We will also get the results from the biopsy on Tuesday, and the two together will tell us what stage we are looking at, and what the road to recovery will be. Wednesday, I will be going in for surgery to remove about 4-5" of my colon, including the tumor (bastard that it is) and the polyps that have formed around it. It looks like I will be in there for about 3-5 nights, depending, of course, on how the surgery goes and how I recover from it all. The hospital, by the way, is Banner Thunderbird Hospital, in Glendale, AZ.

So, there you go. At this point, that's really all I know. I don't know what the prognosis from the doctors will be. I don't know what stage this is in, or whether it has spread. All I know at this point is that I am pissed at this. I don't have time for this. I have two kids to raise, a husband and family to love, a wedding to stand up for in August of 2009, schooling to finish, work to do, etc. So, while this wil curb some of those temporarily, it won't stop me. I am angry at this cancer. I have things to do. The cancer needs to die.

Goals at this point - obviously, short term is to make it through Tuesday's tests and be able to come out on the other side saying that this hasn't spread. If that doesn't happen, I will be even more angry and hurt, but we will deal. Wednesday - goal for this is to make it through the surgery with flying colors, and to have the doctors be able to remove everything they need to get out to ensure that I can finish my to-do list.

Longer term goals - I will wear a tee-shirt on my mom's birthday in 2009 that says "I BEAT CANCER!" When I get to the other side of this battle, I am going to get a tattoo. Right now, my idea is to get a tattoo on my chest, right near my heart, that says "Hope" or "Faith" in Celtic. Any other ideas?

Oh - and a girls weekend in Vegas. Anyone wanna join me?

So, there you go. I started this blog because I wanted people to have a place to get updates on my situation. We have called most of the people that need to know - I have left messages for some. If you didn't get a call - I'm sorry. I've been a little busy. :-)

At this point, my outlook is positive. I am convinced that I am going to make it through this, and be able to be an advocate for early colon screening. I am going to be the poster child for testing. I am going to keep up my spirits during this battle. I am going to win this war. If I need to go through chemo, I am going to get funky wigs (thinking a red mohawk and another one, blue, long straight hair). Mom has said that she will shave her head with me. I don't think that's really necessary, but there you go. :-) If you have funny jokes, please email them to me. I am going to need humor to help me get through this. Have any good books or movies I should check out? Let me know - I will have some time on my hands. Levi and I went to buy an MP3 player today for me - I am going to put sports anthems, rock songs, and other I'm-gonna-kick-your-ass music to help me get through this.

We have been blessed, truly. My mother arrived yesterday from NY, and is planning to stay until June 13, or longer if needed. My mother-in-law will be arriving soon, and my father-in-law will try to make it out soon as well. Both Levi and I have an amazing support group to help us through this, and believe me, we are going to need it. I am not normally a person to lean on others, but I think I can bend a bit for this.

People keep asking, are you okay? Nope - I have cancer. But, I am going to beat it. I am going to win. There isn't another option.

I am so in for a girls weekend in Vegas. How about we rent a kick-ass suite at the Palms? Sound good?

I will be sending you a huge list of stuff that has helped me through...books, music, movies etc. The best movie that I can name is "Facing the Giants" - warning, it is a tearjerker but is an amazing movie of faith.
Can I have your address... I am going to express ship this stuff!
May 25, 2008 at 5:50 PM
Blogger Simply Exquisite said...
Count me in too for a girls weekend! That would rock :)...haven't been in a while anywhere, so that works. Anything I see that can cheer ya up, I will definitely send your way maybe some goofy pics to make ya laugh of the good ole times! You could always make me laugh, so now it is my turn. Yeah...can I also have your address to send you some stuff. I only have your old one. Love you and keep your chin up!!
May 26, 2008 at 7:11 AM
Blogger Nancy said...
Hi sweetie been too long since we have seen each other but always in my heart and on my mind. You are not alone in this fight have so many behind you and the best of them all is Our Heavenly Father. We will continue to send all the crazy things to keep you smiling and know I am here if you or my baby sister needs me. God Bless all and will stay in touch. Love you much ...LATER...aunt nanny
May 26, 2008 at 11:14 AM
Blogger Misty Belcher said...
Hey girl. Remember my visit. Remember the cereal conversation. That was great. I think about you all the time when I eat my breakfast. It was great to see that we had so much in common when we did not even know much about each other. God works miracles and he will work miracles on you and I will be praying for you and your family. Keep your head up and remember I LOVE YOU AND I ALWAYS WILL.
May 26, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Blogger Tom said...

Hey Michelle,

Can Jim and I entice you over to England sometime after this is done? We miss you as it is and this is a good excuse!
May 30, 2008 at 3:06 AM