Friday, May 30, 2008

MAY 30, 2008

First, thank you to everyone that has sent well wishes, good thoughts, and prayers our way. It has helped me, knowing that I have such an amazing support system to get through this. You just never realize what you have until something like this comes along. I have been reading your comments and emails, and while I won't respond until I get home, please know that I am reading them.

Thanks to my mom and Sharon for updating everyone. It has been a long week, to say the least, and I know this is just the beginning of the road ahead.

Reading through the blogs, you have just about all of the information that I have received at this point. Right now, I am sitting in my hospital room, watching daytime TV (not very interesting...). My pain level is still pretty manageable, and the doctors and nurses have been very supportive. At this point, we are still waiting on information from the pathology reports. I spoke with a PA and an MD this morning from the oncology group that I will be working with, and we really have to wait until those reports come back before we know for sure what we are facing. It looks like I have either stage 2 or 3 cancer, and the determination will be how far into the lymph nodes the cancer has spread. Once we have that information, we can determine a plan of attack.

Right now, I feel really good. As you all know, I was allowed to have solid food for lunch. It was good, fo hospital food, but then again, I was pretty hungry, so I might not be the best judge. I will say, however, that both Mom and I agree that while the chicken noodle soup looked delicious, it was, as Julia would say, IS-gusting.

Yesterday, Mom brought the kids up to visit me. It was so wonderful having them there. I am sad that I am going to miss Kevin's birthday today, but if missing this one means that I won't have to miss anymore, then so be it. They made me get well cards at daycare yesterday, and as I sit here, they are on my shelving unit, next to the flowers I got from my parents and brothers, my team at work, and my kids. It brightens my day, seeing them.

They took the cath out today, so I have been up and around walking and moving around, which helps. I get tired pretty quickly, but it's okay. I am still recovering, much to my chagrin. LOL!

I say my surgeon yesterday, and she and I are already talking about me being a spokesperson for Colon Cancer prevention. Basically, there are doctors and nurses coming in to visit me b/c I am such an anomoly - I mean, we already knew that, but specifically regarding this type of cancer. Most people that get colon cancer are older. So, we talked about me becoming a "personality" of sorts, to tell people that colon cancer isn't isolated to people in their 50s. It can happen to people with no symptoms or reasons to get it. It sucks, but there you go.

I know I have been rambling. Sorry - I am trying to cover everything before I take a nap. Again, thanks to everyone for your support and love. Please know that I love you all, and appreciate your prayers. I can't wait to get to the other side, and say that I beat cancer. What a great accomplishment that will be. Till the next post....

With love,

Hi!! What a nice surprise! I was just taking a break and thought I'd check to see if Mom had posted and here you are...

It's incredible that your trotting around, eating big girl foods and blogging just 2 days after major surgery! You're not just a poster child for cancer, but for strength and hope and character too, and an inspiration to us all :)

Oh yeah, and an anomoly... ha ha ha... they should've just asked us... we could've told them that ages ago! :)

We love you... Talk soon! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kevin... what a big boy! :)
May 30, 2008 at 1:35 PM
Blogger Ally said...
Hang tough, Michelle! Love ya! I will continue to check for updates!
many prayers coming your way!
May 31, 2008 at 7:42 AM

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