Tuesday, May 27, 2008

MAY 27, 2008

Okay - I just got off the phone with my Dr. We have been given a blessing. The cancer has not spread. We did get verification that it is, indeed, cancer. However, it is what is called a sygmoid cancer, and that the cancer hasn't spread. Woo! At this point, we are still on for surgery tomorrow. The doctor is going to take the portion of the colon with the polyps and the tumor out, and she will also remove some lymph nodes. Based on the pathology results from the tumor and the lymph nodes, they will determine if I need to pursue chemo. 

Basically, my doctor said that it looks like this JUST turned to cancer, and that it looks like we caught it in the earliest stages. The doctor said that this was the best possible news we could have received

So, tomorrow I go in for surgery. I will probably be in the hospital for about 3-5 days, and then we will decide based on the pathology reports what the next step is. As I said before, I will beat this thing. And, I will become an advocate for early screening. Apparently, that's my new mission.

Nancy said...
Hi sweetie..just finished talking to mom and then read your blog and thank God For the Blessing he has given you.I am so proud for you and i am going to send out the strongest prayers possible.You are going to beat this and go on to do the work you want.Know i sen my love sweetie and that you are in my thoughts and my heart always.love aunt nancy
May 27, 2008 at 7:14 PM
Blogger Ally said...
Yay! I am so glad to hear that it has NOT spread and I am praying they get it all and you will be fine!
Hang tough, Michelle! and I know you will!
love and hugs and many prayers!
May 28, 2008 at 4:47 PM
Blogger Misty Belcher said...
Hey girl. Just wanted to say hello and that I am thinking about you and praying for you and your family. Hugs to all of you.

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