Saturday, May 31, 2008

MAY 31, 2008

Yesterday, shortly after I posted the last entry, my surgeon came into the room and asked when I wanted to go home. Mom said that she could have the car around the front of the hospital in 15 minutes, and the doctor said okay!!! While it wasn't 15 minutes, the doctor did release me. I couldn't believe it. Neither could my mom. I had been told in pre-op discussions that I would be in the hospital at least three nights, which would have put me to at least Saturday in the hospital. But, luckily, I was able to eat a real meal and sleep in my bed last night. It was divine.

Speaking of divine, I was also able to shower this morning. Really, you take that kind of luxury for granted until it is completely denied to you. What bliss it was to be there, with water running over me, and to be able to shampoo my head.

So, I am home with my family. And, lots and lots of flowers and planters. Thanks to Honeywell, my parents and brothers, Dan and Debby Phinney, Ken and Kay Jongsma (from Honeywell), my children, and anyone else that I have forgotten to thank. Tiffany (my boss from work), thank you so much for stopping by yesterday. It was wonderful to see you, and just an upswing in my attitude to know that I work for such a wonderful company. Unfortunately, she stopped by the room literally as we were leaving the hospital, so I only got to see her for a few moments, but anything was nice. I appreciate all the support I am getting from everyone, and am just grateful to have this amazing group of friends and family.

If you want to call, please call me at home. If you need that number, shoot me an email and I will give it to you. We see the oncologist on Wednesday, and my surgeon sometime late next week. I don't think we will have answers until then, but I will update as I do get them.

And, we are going to celebrate Kevin's birthday tonight. It should be fun - we got him his favorite Oreo cake from Target. Yum!

Amy Largenton said...
May 31, 2008 at 6:18 PM
Blogger Young Family said...
You're what?!!?

See - amazing things can happen!
May 31, 2008 at 7:42 PM
Awesome! What a lot of celebration there must've been going on on Friday! Welcome home!
May 31, 2008 at 7:49 PM
Blogger Nancy said...
was glad to hear that you made it home ...and i know it meant a lot to you...its a long journey and you are never alone ...and remember (when you are down to nothing ..God is up to something..)love you all Aunt Nancy
May 31, 2008 at 10:16 PM
Blogger ashley said...
I am so happy that you are home!! You are so strong and amazing. I hope you had a great time celebrating Kevins Birthday!! I don`t have your house number but I will ask Bob for it and I will talk to you soon!!
June 1, 2008 at 7:06 AM
Blogger Ally said...
Yay! So glad to hear you got to go home already and so you can really celebrate Kevin' birthday!!!
Have fun!! and Happy Birthday to him!
Amazing news and stay strong, Michelle! Loved your Aunt Nancy's quote in her reply here too, great to remember that! :)
June 1, 2008 at 11:10 AM

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