Sunday, June 1, 2008

JUNE 1, 2008

Well, as I said, yesterday was my first full day home. And, what did I do? Overdo it. You know me - I can't stay down for long. Well, it looks like I am going to have to. I actually had to succumb to the percocet (rx pain med) last night. I want so badly to do everything, but I can't. So, here's yet another humbling experience in this scenario.

In spite of that, we did take a grocery shopping trip to SuperTarget (which you all know is like my mecca). I did use a little motorized cart, but even that was exhausting. I guess there won't be any mall-runs anytime soon. :-) Today, I am making sure to take it a bit easier. Mom and the kids are outside playing in the pool, and Levi is working on getting me set up with an internet connection in the living room, so I can listen to the class I missed on Wednesday night. I have a midterm this week, a research paper to work on, and lots of reading to catch up on, so I will definitely have plenty to do this week, which will allow me to keep busy and still let my body recover.

It is hard being home. I want to do so many things. Mom has been just an angel, truly. She has been taking care of laundry, keeping the house clean, making all of the meals and doing the dishes, taking care of the kids morning, noon, and night, and just being where I want to be but can't. You all keep asking what you can do for us...the only thing I can think of that I remember helping out with when a co-worker of mine at Paychex was battling cancer is food. Maybe frozen meals? I don't know what else. Really. Right now, things are still so up in the air. Meals are hard for us, not b/c of cost or anything, but b/c of the time factor. I am hoping to be able to make some pre-made lasagna and things like that in the next couple of weeks, so that I can throw them in the freezer and bring them out once I start chemo and can't cook.

Other than that, things are going well. Surgery areas are really healing nicely. Though, they sent me home with an injection of blood thinner that poor Levi has to inject me with each morning. It isn't too bad (those of you who know my history, needles and injections are the LAST thing in the world I can handle well), but they leave me with these little bruises on my belly, which is where we inject the meds. And, because it's a blood thinner, I am bruising everywhere, especially in the areas where there are stitches. But, it's all a sacrifice. And, that's what pain meds are for. :-)

So, there you go. So far, so good. I am pretty tired, and I am going to go take a nap. Talk with you all soon! Hugs!

 Nancy said...
hi kid-o....was glad to read the latest.I keep up with you you know that your mom is so worried and wouldn't pull her self away from you and the just lay back and rest and get stronger and let mom enjoy taking care of you and the kids.she wouldn't have it any other way are such a strong young lady and i know that you are being watched over well.god has you under his wings and will take you will do well helping other young people to understand their bodies and how to learn more about them selves.i am so proud to be your aunt and to stand behind you and at least help with words and prayers .love so much, aunt nancy....(worry looks around,sorry looks back, faith looks UP!)
June 1, 2008 at 3:13 PM
Blogger frozensweetie said...
M Dilly!!!

Your friends in Minnie are pulling for you. They sent me the blog and I'm sending super prayers your way!!!

I am super proud of your attitude. Laughter is key. I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor in April, so I'm on your heels, treatment wise.

Stay strong, be fabulous and know that you touch lives every day. You'll beat it, Dill!!

Katie Rice
June 3, 2008 at 1:15 PM
Blogger Karissa said...

My name is Karissa and I stumbled upon your blog. I just moved to Phoenix 6 months ago with mu hubby and I am 33 years old and I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago at age 30. I did the surgery route with chemo for 6 months like you. Reading your blog felt like going down memory lane. If you ever want to talk to a young cancer survivor who kicked cancers arse...let me know! WE ARE WAY TO YOUNG FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!
June 21, 2008 at 10:55 AM

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