Thursday, June 26, 2008

JUNE 26, 2008

Drs Appts Recaps

Some of you have asked about the genetics consultation and testing that I mentioned previously. Well, today, we head to the consult for that. 2pm. I had to fill out a plethora of paperwork (isn't plethora a great word?!?!) and send it in, providing them with the gruesome and detailed information about my family members, who they are, how they are related to me, what their ages are, if they are living/dead, and what (if so) they died from. It was a fun romp back into the history of my family, and interesting, because I have cousins out there that I didn't even know about. Hmph. Anyways, I will let you know how that goes. 

And, I had an appointment with Bill, my oncologist's PA (physician's assistant) yesterday. All is well. They gave me the results from my blood work - apparently, the only thing bordering on low is my potassium, and while the nurse that called me told me I would have to start taking another RX for this, Bill scoffed and told me to "eat more fruits and vegetables, and take your vitamins." So, like a good patient, I ate a bunch of fruit yesterday, had a good salad for dinner, and took my multi this morning dutifully. Let's hope this helps. He also mentioned, in a very casual way (as if he was commenting on the summer heat) that I should be anemic within a month, and there is a shot they can administer for that. Um, what?!?! Great - more medicines. Oh well. Let's add it to the list. 

Basically, I left the appointment feeling like I fared well for my first chemo treatment. He asked how it was, I said it sucked, but that it was better than I expected, so I couldn't complain too much. (I don't think he reads this blog - let's hope.) He gave me the impression (and Dad concurred) that he was impressed with how I fared this first round out. We'll see what happens next week, but I still feel like I got an A for effort on this round. 

And, off I go to try to complete my to-do list for the day. It's amazing how many things I have to do even when I am not working. But, it's all for a good cause. And, it helps keep my mind busy. I think that's one of the hardest things right now, is my lack of brain-building things. You know, when you are working, you are constantly doing something. And, now, my days revolve around a pretty steady schedule of:
-wake up
-eat breakfast
-get the kids ready for the day
-take the kids to daycare
-come home, check email, surf the web a bit
-eat lunch
-get the kids

Pretty boring, but that's about all I can handle right now. Frustrating, especially for those of you who know me and know my level of activity is usually bordering on manic. Ahhhh - the changes that cancer brings to your life. Anyone have any work they want me to do while I am sitting here???? PLEASE?!?!

Young Family said...
so - i can send work your way! that would be so nice if that could really happen!!! 

glad to hear his report of how things went from their perspective the first round....

and, thanks for the t-shirt e-mail -- so hilarious -- Craig agrees with your choice!! 

take care - love you!
June 26, 2008 at 7:03 PM

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