Sunday, June 8, 2008

JUNE 8, 2008

Sunday update - Mom and I went shopping this morning for some comfy shirts for me, and we went looking for hats and scarves for me. Didn't find much in the hat and scarf department, but we are going to keep looking. Once we got home, off to Target and some grocery shopping. I probably overdid it, but it was so nice to get back to a normal routine. We did end up getting a cute cotton hat for me - it's super cute and comfy.

Meanwhile, I wanted to get your opinion. I am seriously considering cutting my hair. REALLY short. Here's my's all going to fall out. Those of you who haven't seen me yet, my hair is about shoulder-length, and I love it. I finally found a color that I am happy with (like most, I color it....), and it's a beautiful brownish color with hints of red in it. I actually was to a point, after many years, of accepting and loving the hair I have. And, then, this happens.

Because I have had so litte control over all else that has happened since May 23rd, I feel like this is one way I can control SOMETHING. And, I really feel like it is going to be easier to handle losing little tufts of hair than it is losing huge chunks. And, it won't be such a huge shock when I finally have to shave it all off - it will be, I think, an easier transition.

So, what do you think. Good idea? Bad idea? I am going to be calling my normal hairdresser tomorrow for his opinion, and I am going to be contacting some local cancer groups to see if there are hair stylists they can recommend that deal with this.

Let me know.....I am interested to hear your opinion.

Michelle said...
There are lots of opinions on this topic. My aunt shaved her head before she ever started chemo so that she didn't have to watch it fall out. My mother left it alone until it was really uneven. I know others that have cut it short short so they don't have to deal with it on the days they feel most flu-like. I think I would be one of the short/short folks. It really comes down to what you want.
June 9, 2008 at 7:25 AM
Blogger Young Family said...
Wow - what a decision....if I were you, and I know that you are probably SO tired of hearing that....I too would cut it short. I don't know that I would shave it, but that's just because I would worry it would itch like crazy or razor burn.

Are you going to look into getting a wig? Or, a few so you can drastically change your look whenever you feel like it!?!?

Wow....tough things to think about...

Love you!
June 9, 2008 at 8:29 PM
Blogger Tom said...
Hey there,

Have no fear about a shortage of funky hats (or even cool hats). Jim and I knit and crochet, remember? I'm gonna break out my needles now...any specific requests?
June 11, 2008 at 11:16 AM

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