Monday, June 2, 2008

JUNE 2, 2008

Well, we got the pathology reports back. Things didn't come back as well as we had hoped. When the removed the foot of my colon (called the sigmoid colon), they also removed 20 lymph nodes. Of those 20, 5 of them came back as cancerous. What this means is that I have Stage 3 Sigmoid Colon Cancer, and that I will definitely be facing chemo.

Now, while this isn't the news we were hoping for, it isn't all bad. It could have been all 20 of the lymph nodes, so really, 25% of them is pretty good odds, I think. However, the prospect of chemo isn't something that I want to deal with. But, that's what I have to do. As I have told several people, now that I know what the dragon is, I can slay it. And, slay it I will.

I guess this means that I will be going through all of the aspects of having cancer. I had kind of hoped that I would get out of the chemo. You know, I was just wishing that the surgery would be the worst part of this, and it doesn't look like this is the case. But, now when I become an advocate for awareness and prevention of colon cancer, I will be able to say that I have gone through the entire process. Not something to look forward to, but I guess there it is.

I am still positive that I am going to beat this. There isn't another choice. I have too much to do, and too much to live for. It's going to be a rough road ahead, and a tough battle. That's okay. I can make it through. Mom and Dad are putting plans in place to move in with us. We will be modifying our office into their bedroom, mainly by moving the office furniture into various part of the house, and putting either French Doors on the doorway, or some form of a sliding door. Not sure yet what we are going to do. It was something we had planned to do anyways, so we are just moving up the date a bit. We are lucky to have family that is willing to make this sacrifice, and are lucky to have the space to do this. I am going to need the help (as I understand it, chemo is VERY tough on your body), so anything I can take, I will. Since the chemo isn't due to start for another couple of weeks, we have some time to plan.

I think that's it. I am feeling pretty good today. Much less tired - I think my exhaustion yesterday was from the percocet I took the night before. No more of that, that's for sure. I have my follow-up with Dr. McConnell tomorrow morning, so I am sure that we will get more information then. And, my first meeting with the oncologist is Wednesday afternoon. I will keep you all updated. As always, thanks for the well wishes.

Nancy said...
hi sweetie ..just a few words to say i am so thankful that it wasn't all the lymph gives you a better chance to know that it didn't go any further.You are so strong and young...God will guide you through this and yes you have a awsome know you wouldn't get your mom to go far from you babe.And it might even help her to slow down a little which i would love to see.i worry about her so much.well ..ya'll stay in my prayers and will write more you Aunt Nancy

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