Wednesday, June 18, 2008

JUNE 18, 2008

Chemo Round 1, Day 2

So, today is day two of my first round of chemo. In case you are keeping up with the blogs, I will start noting these days as C1D2, or chemo round 1, day 2. Please let me know if you get confused - Lord knows I am.

Yesterday went, well, okay. Better than I expected, honestly. We got into the chemo room, and the nurse was very nice. It was a pretty busy place, and Mom wasn't able to stay through the whole thing b/c they needed the chairs for the other patients. But, she was able to stay through the hard part - the port access. Basically, this is where the nurse cleans, anesthetizes the area, and places the needle into the port. Wasn't painful, which is good. I am a wuss. However this wasn't bad at all. They then pulled blood, ran my CBC counts, and started the meds. I was in there for about 3 hours. When I left, I started having hot flashes, and ended up calling the nurses later in the day. They attributed that effect to the steroids, which they administered via IV at the beginning of the session yesterday. Other than that, the biggest side effects that I felt were fatigue (whew - I was pooped, and completed crashed when we got home) and the cold-sensitivity. That was probably the oddest sensation I have ever felt. And, it hasn't gone away yet. For those of you that live in/lived in the Northern states, you know what it feels like when you are outside in the winter, when it's bitter cold, and when you breathe in, your lungs have a freezing-line feeling? Yeah, that's what I am getting. In Phoenix. In June. The outside temp 115. Yesterday, after chemo, Mom took me to FuddRuckers, which I had never been to. It's a build-your-own burger type of place - fun! So, we ordered, and without thinking, I ordered a milkshake. Yup - it's still sitting in my fridge. LOL! And, my first sip of soda with ice - yeah, not fun. It felt like I have shards of ice in my throat. Mom took the soda back and filled the glass with soda, no ice. No dice. So, we tried the ambient temp iced tea - better. This isn't going to be fun. We have a water cooler here at the house that uses both an air temp and cold waer spigot - even the water coming from the room temp spigot is too cold for me. Holy cow.

Anywhoo, I have some nausea yesterday, but it's not too bad today. The first day of chemo is the infusion of the Oxypalantin, which seems to be the most side-effect inducing med. They hooked me up to the pump, which is small and not too intrusive. I think I have decided to name it Phinneaus. Still deciding, though. I figure that if I name it, he/she can become my "friend." Today's chemo was just the Leukavorin, which is the supplement that helps the 5FU (my pump drug) enter the cells better, and be more effective.

Tomorrow, I get the pump removed, and am free for almost two weeks. It's been a trip, that's for sure. The people in the chemo room are generally 30-40 years older than me, with a few exceptions. It makes for some difficulty in relating to others, but that's okay. I will talk with just about anyone. And, they have snacks, a flat-screen TV, and some other amenities to try to make it more comfy.

I think that's about it. I am getting pretty tired, and I still have a few phone calls to make. So, more later. 

Nancy said...
Michelle....i have been keeping up with your writings but i think i have lost a blood test they were going to run to see if any of the other kids carry the gene or if your kids do. i may be a head of it all am not sure i was just remembering i thought you wrote about about it.I am praying for you and the family ..keep strong...keep your chin up you so much
June 19, 2008 at 2:46 PM

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