Wednesday, June 25, 2008

JUNE 25, 2008

Get ready to feel empowered!

As you know, I am facing this disease with an open mind, trying to keep up a positive attitude and stay strong, not only for myself but for my friends and family. My brother's girlfriend Sarah sent me a website (see the comment from the last post) to show me some cool tee-shirt designs. And, being me, I decided to pursue them further. I have been looking at making a tee-shirt for myself, but wouldn't it be easier to just order one? (By the way, thanks Sarah. I absolutely needed this this morning.)

So, in light of my laziness, here are some websites that I found that I thought I would share. They feature cancer tee-shirts that made me laugh literally out loud. I will try to find the links to my favorites and add them. One of my faves - "Cancer, you picked the wrong bitch!" Isn't that perfect for me?!?!

Here you go - enjoy! And, take a moment to laugh today. If you can't do that, what's the point of getting out of bed. Remember, I can laugh about can you. After all, what's funnier than butt cancer? Really?!?! - Very funny stuff. I will be ordering something soon. Just need to narrow down the choices. That's the hardest part. - Cute stuff. Not my favorite, as they focus more on breast cancer, but still, very empowering. I am looking more at the "I'm going to kick cancer's ass" motto. That's just me. Battle on! - This is one of my favorites. There are some REALLY funny ones here. - This is just a general search under the cafepress website that brings up literally hundreds of options. From here, you can link back to the original manufacturer's website to order tee shirts, backpacks, thongs (really - what sicko thought a thong was appropriate - wait a minute....that is pretty funny!), and other items. - This is a website linked from another called Very funny - it's appropriate for those of us undergoing treatment without obvious outward signs of illness. Very helpful when I use the handicapped parking spot and get nasty looks and grunts from the old people in Sun City West.

This happened yesterday, by the way. For those of you unfamiliar with Sun City in Phoenix, it's basically a retirement community. Literally. There are no schools, and you have to prove that you are 55 or older to reside there. (Disclaimer - Sun City is a beautiful place, and I mean no harm or maliciousness to anyone that lives there. But, it's odd for me as a healthy-looking 32-year-old woman to be walking around there, getting meds. That's all I am saying.)

The mouthwash they make me "swish and swallow" (still gross, by the way) had to be made at the hospital in Sun City West. While it's a very nice area, and the people seemed very pleasant, all of the people I encountered at the medical facility yesterday were about 50 years older than me. And, when I parked in the handicapped parking spot and got out, I got huffed at, hissed at, and basically given the evil eye from the seniors in the area. So, to me, a shirt telling people to stick it up their arse it perfect for me.

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