Monday, June 16, 2008

JUNE 16, 2008

Port Update

It dawned on me that I haven't posted an update on my port recently. I will say that I am getting more and more used to it, which I didn't think was possible. The biggest issue I have now is that if I turn my head a certain way, or tilt it a certain direction, I can feel it, and boy is it painful. I guess I would relate it to having a shirt on that's too tight in the arms. It's fine if you keep your arms in a fairly neutral position, but if you have to shift your arm at all, it's as if the seam is cutting into your muscle - that's how this port feels. Really, other than that, I am at a point where I hardly notice it. I mean, I know it's there, but it has gotten better with time. It really was tender and painful for about two weeks. Then, it started to ease up. The only time I really notice it now is if one of the kids leans on it (usually, it's a head leaning on it - not fun), or if I have a seatbelt that hits it just right. I know it's there (you can see the bump in my chest), but it's okay. The cut is healing pretty well, though I am pretty sure there will be a scar. But, if that's what I end up with to make sure that I make it through this, then bring on the scars, baby!

Let's see, what else? Not too much going on. A friend from work (Honeywell folks - Mary Fish!) stopped by to see me today. It was so good to see her - she is such a sweet lady, and she really brightened my day. We are running to lunch soon - I figure that I will have Chipotle one last time, before my tastes change. I just hope that they have my pico de gallo - I will be ticked off if they haven't got it, b/c of this salmonella thing. Argh!

I think that's about it. Chemo tomorrow. Dreading it, but what are you going to do? There aren't other options, and this is what I need to do. So, off to the drugs I go. Ooooh! Maybe that can be my chemo motto - Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to drugs I go.....with a needle-stick here and a loss-of-hair there, hi-ho, hi-ho! LOL! See - sense of humor people!!!

Nancy said...
hi sweeetie..haven't talked to you in the past few days ..chemo tomarrow???it its happing so fast that it will go by this fast too.i seen james have a lot of different side effects...just dont fight it and make sure you keep the nurses up on everything.that is what they are there for and you must use them to help you .and with each day there are so many prayers going out for you and the family.all will need to stay strong and i know you so glad that i am able to keep up with you and the progress you are making.take care of your self and stand strong Michelle.It will get better...i love you ..aunt nancy
June 16, 2008 at 1:08 PM

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