Wednesday, June 11, 2008

JUNE 11, 2008

It's goooonnnne......

Well, I did it. Here's the pictures. Let me know what you think. I am still getting used to it. It's kind of a pixie cut, and looks different in "real life". I have pushed the bangs off my head, and I like the look better.

Here's a BEFORE picture. Me, with shoulder length hair.Another BEFORE. 

Mid-cut. LOTS of hair on the floor.

Mid-styling. That's Autumn, my hair stylist. She was a good choice. I had made several phone calls to try to find a good person. Fate stuck with me. Autumn has had two rounds of chemo herself, and has been through the hair loss. On top of that, she is honest and forthcoming, and told me what would look good, what wouldn't, and helped me get through. 

I was fine with the cut until she started cutting the top-front portion of my hair. Until then, it was okay. Once that part happened, I lost it. I got very emotional. I think at that point, it hit me that I HAD to do this. I wasn't doing it because I wanted a new look or was bored with my hair. I was making this choice as a way to control the inevitable. Very emotional. 

Autumn styling my hair. This was before I had a chance to see it. She cut the hair and styled it without allowing me to see the results until the end. It was kind of fun, and scary. 

This is the pile of hair that was on the floor after the cut. Wow.
So, there you go. As I said, I am still getting used to it. It's a cute look - definitely something I didn't think I would be able to pull off. We'll see what happens today when I try to style it myself. I don't think I care for the bangs - I feel better when I push them off my face. I am not a BANG kind of person. And, I think it looks cuter that way.
Okay, what do you nice....

Oh, it looks awesome!! Actually, it looks very much like the cut you got after you had Julia (what you had at my wedding), remember?? You lopped it all off then... I had forgotten until I saw these pictures. And how great that you found someone who's been through it all do your hair! She did a great job - she's definitely a keeper!!
June 11, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Blogger Young Family said...
I love it!!! I think it looks fabulous and so do you....not knowing what to expect, but you look GREAT!

Love you!
June 11, 2008 at 8:40 PM
Blogger Tom said...
One word: hawt.
June 12, 2008 at 6:20 AM
Blogger Misty Belcher said...
Your hair looks great. Thinking about you every day. Lots of hugs and loves.
June 12, 2008 at 4:12 PM


If you remember, I had my toes done before I went in for surgery. Here's the picture, finally. Sorry it took so long.

So, I didn't mean for them to look like watermelons, but that's what happened. Oh well - it's still fun!

Ha ha ha... very cute! Yes, I concur with the nurses... watermelon all the way!!! :)
June 11, 2008 at 10:31 AM
Oh, and I love curious kitty in the picture! :)
June 11, 2008 at 10:32 AM
Blogger Murph said...
The hair looks great and so do you! It's amazing for all you've been through thus far. Keep up the good work Michelle, you're always in my thoughts! Mary
June 12, 2008 at 8:31 AM

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