Tuesday, June 10, 2008

JUNE 10, 2008

So, normal talk. Levi asked me out on a date yesterday (yes, we have been married for 6+ years - so?!?!), and we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. Whew - I highly recommend it. I loved it - two thumbs way up. And, a note: Monday nights are great nights to go and see a movie. There was only one other family in the theatre. Nice.

The movie was great. There was enough action for the testosterone group, enough sappiness for the estrogen group, and enough funny, witty and thought-provoking things to amuse us all. I don't know that I would take the young kids - there are some pretty intense scenes. However, I think kids that are in the middle-school group would enjoy it, especially if they have seen the other Indy movies.

Anyways, there's my movie review.

Oooh, I'm glad you posted this. I'd heard such mixed reviews and being such an Indy fan I was worried. We'll pbly go see it at some point, but it just makes me feel a bit better that I may not be as disappointed as I was afraid I'd be!
June 11, 2008 at 7:58 AM


So, if you read the other blog about hair cutting, you will know that I have been contemplating the haircut. And, it's decided - the appointment is set. For today. 1pm AZ time. Holy crap. 

It will be good. I am excited about it - I have some ideas, and the lady we are going to is supposed to be very honest about hairstyles (which I need - some of you have seen the variations of shorter hairstyles that I have had over the years - it's not been pretty...). Mom is also going to get her hair cut and colored, so it should be fun. 

What else? Went to the drs this morning. I think I blogged that I was having some discomfort with the port. The medical-grade super glue is irritating the skin around it, and I was concerned about some swelling. So, off we go this morning. And, apparently, for no reason. The site is actually better than the PA expected. He said that generally , there is much more bruising, and all looks really good. They gave me prescriptions for 4 meds that I need to take after chemo, or as needed to help with the side effects. And, I will definitely lose my hair. So, good time for the haircut. Anywhoo, basically, I was given a good review for the day, and told to go on my merry way. 

So, while I was waiting for the PA, I headed to the restroom (not that you need to know this, but there you go) and I had to go through the chemo room. Now, not having been involved with this area of medicine before, I had no idea what to expect. You know how the stuff that you imagine in your mind is often worse than the real thing? Same idea - I don't know what I had imagined, but it wasn't as nice as this room. While it wasn't the Waldorf-Astoria, it was a long room with chairs that you can recline and sleep in (!!!), televisions, books, magazines, and warm blankets. Wow. I mean, think about it - that kind of room makes sense, but if you haven't been into one, what would you expect? 

What else? I think that's about it. New haircut this afternoon. Tomorrow, the kids are home with Mom and me. I think it will be fun, and tiring. Thursday, we have the chemo teach with another PA or nurse to talk about what to expect, etc. We may shift the chemo schedule a few days to accomodate the holiday schedule. Originally, we had hoped to be able to schedule chemo for Thurs/Friday and Saturday remove the pump. Today, we were told that I have to go into the office for an additional day to get a shot to bost my white blood cell count. Hmph. I mean, I understand, but they should really give me this information up front. So, note to all who might go through this kind of thing at some point - ask for specifics, then ask again, then ask another person a couple of times. You might then get the answer you need. :-)

Pictures to follow of the haircut.....

Yay! I can't wait to see the fabulous new do! Post pictures as soon as you can! It's going to look great!

I didn't respond before, but I've heard from someone who went thru chemo that she'd wake up and her pillow would be strewn with her long hair. So I do think this is a great move! :)
June 11, 2008 at 7:59 AM

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