Tuesday, April 24, 2012

APRIL 24, 2012

Well, this weekend, the nausea subsided, but the light-headedness kicked up.  I'll take the light-headedness over the nausea any day.  It lasted about two days this week, Saturday and Sunday, and meant I didn't allow myself to drive on Saturday.  Sunday wasn't too bad, but Saturday - woah!  It was very interesting - I would be okay for a moment, then get a wave of dizziness.  Very uncool.  But again - MUCH better than nausea. 

Today, I feel great.  Lots of energy, in spite of not being able to sleep at night.  This is another side effect that kicks up during my off week.  I don't know why - I just have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep.  It's not that I'm waking up with important things on my mind - I'm waking up with dumb-ass things on my mind, usually stuff that has no bearing whatsoever on anything.  Then, when I try to go back to sleep, it only lasts for half an hour or so.  Ridiculous.  The naturopath gave me something to try to help - I took it last night (no help), this morning and again about 15 minutes ago.  We'll see how tonight goes.  *sigh* 

Neuropathy has also started in.  It's different this time, in that it's kicked in sooner (two rounds in), and it's not as pronounced as last time.  It's pretty minimal - some numbness in the tips of my fingers, and sensitivity in my feet.  For example, the soles of my feet are more sensitive this week to the edges on the tiles on the floor in our house.  It sounds stupid, but they feel more pronounced, sharper.  I don't know that I can necessarily explain it.  But, I met with Dorion (the acupuncturist) at CTCA today, and he did some funky needles-in-between-my-fingers-and-toes thing, then hooked me up to some electric impulses.  Apparently, this will help.  I'm still uneasy (at best) about having needles jabbed into me, but I'm trying to keep an open mind.  :) 

In all reality, I'm feeling really good, considering I'm fighting cancer.  I have some other things to post about, but I'm tired.  Hoping I can get some sleep tonight - planning to blog more tomorrow.  Meantime, thanks again for everything.  Much love to you all!

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