Thursday, February 12, 2009

FEBRUARY 12, 2009

Tomorrow's it - the deportation. Woot!

Sorry - had to incorporate the title into the blog at some point.

Next up - tattoo, baby! (GULP)

Well, right after England - ONE MORE MONTH!!!!!!!


Tom H said...
Ooh good, can we have a tatoo designing session while you're here?

And also, it's a bit sad you're having your port removed; your one step toward becoming an unstoppable cyborg is being taken out...
February 13, 2009 at 3:20 AM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
My oldest son referred to the port as the alien UFO thing in his mother's body. haha

It kind of looked like that. It was a Power Port with three little beads shaped in a triangle. I don't miss it one bit!

I am GLAD you are joining those of us who have recently been DE-PORTED!

Join me in a round of singing to "We are Family" only my version is "We are Survivors!" LOL!
February 13, 2009 at 8:51 AM

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