Saturday, February 14, 2009

FEBRUARY 14, 2009

Well, it's done. The port is gone. And, I have it. Yes, they let me keep the port. Why wouldn't I? It's been such an integral part of me for the past several months that letting it go seemed like I was losing a part of me that helped me win this battle. I am going to, over the next couple of weeks, get a shadow box and put my hospital bracelets, the port, and some other odds and ends into it as a tribute to my battle, my struggles, and my eventual triumph.

Here's a picture of the blasted thing. It's actually not all that big....


Imagine having a fabulous, wonderful, gorgeous quilt, royal blue in celebration of colon cancer awareness. Imagine that the main background is blue, festooned with shooting stars, as an image of the journey that you have been on. Imagine that someone took the time out of her life (two someone's, actually) to plan, gather, and fashion this quilt just for you, in honor of the journey you have undertaken.

I don't have to imagine this any longer. Yesterday, after my port removal, my mom had me open a huge box from my Aunt Nancy, while Aunt Nancy watched on the webcam. It was, by far, the most breathtaking gift of this journey.

In the box was this gorgeous quilt, made of the aforementioned blue fabric, and covered with underwear. Now, you might be asking, huh?!?! Undies? Yes - undies. It's covered in underwear (clean, I assure you) sent in and signed by friends and family, reminding me of the support system I have across the globe. In the center are the boxers from the Undy 5000 back in November. Surrounding the boxers are several pairs of panties from various people, wishing me good health and happiness and just letting me know that they are there for me throughout this journey.

Apparently, my mom and Aunt Nancy have been plotting, deviously, about getting undies from friends and family to add to this thing.

Speechless is something I am not very often (to which my friends and family can attest). Last night, the only words that I could muster was, thank you. Aunt Nancy - you are truly an angel, and I wouldn't have made it through this journey without you, the support of your family, and the support of your extended family. I can't wait to see you to give you a huge hug, to thank you properly for what I can only consider the best gift to come out of this ordeal. I promise to take amazing care of this, and to share it with others, so that they may see how others can help them get through the toughest fight of their lives. I love you!

These might be my favorite pair. 2008 admission. 2009 remission. In the middle is a printing of my post to this blog, telling you all that I am in remission. Then, right where it needs to be, is the biggest, most important fact -

Really - does it get any better than this? Honestly.....

If you have a pair of undies that you would like to have added to this, please send them to me. Shoot me an email, and I will send you the address. I want to have this thing covered, front and back, with undies. The more we have, the more awareness we have. And, isn't that the point???


Carol Urban said...
This is SO freaking wonderful! I've never seen, or thought, of adding undies to a quilt but what the heck? I come from a long line of women who quilt. Over the past few years I just haven't had the gumption to work on them. This has really inspired me! At first I thought you were discussing a potential tattoo; one with the blue colon cancer ribbon with shooting stars coming from the top, and I thought that sounds really beautiful! I kept reading only to find out it was a quilt! Even more beautiful! What a wonderful idea! Thank you!
February 14, 2009 at 3:43 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...
I love it! That is SO freaking cool!!!! Thanks for the pics - made me laugh out loud in a "Let's raise cancer awareness" kind of way!!!!!
February 17, 2009 at 2:23 PM
Blogger Young Family said...
You know - it's much harder than you would think to write on lacy underwear. Who would have thought?!!

Love you!
February 19, 2009 at 8:23 PM

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