Friday, February 27, 2009

FEBRUARY 27, 2009

You know the old saying that things happen for a reason, and you are put in the place you are supposed to be? Well, this happened to Levi this morning.

He was at a local Chevy dealership, getting my car fixed (tires first, then water pump - luckily the pump was covered under warranty). And, in rolls a truck carrying not one, but two of the new Chevy Camaro prototypes. For those of you that don't have the pleasure of knowing Levi, he went to school to be a vocational education teacher for automotive. He built his own car when he was a teen. He loves Chevys, and will be a GM man until he dies. (Probably after, too!)

Have you seen these things? If not, have you seen the movie Transformers? It rocks. I had doubts about this - does the world really need another movie based on yous from the 1980's? Well apparently, the world does. Enough that they are coming out with a second one this summer. I can't wait.

I digress - Levi was there, and actually got to sit in the cars. These things aren't for driving - they don't ever, ever, ever get driven. They aren't legal to drive. They will never be sold. They are unique, one-of-a-kind vehicles. And, my husband was the first customer to sit in it. SO COOL!

Here are some pictures.

I think I may have to take a detour to this dealership this weekend. You know, just to see. Well, wouldn't you?


Carol Urban said...
Your photos are probably the only chance I will ever get to see one of these cars! They will NEVER show up here where we get mountains of snow and that snow starts in late October through May (sometimes). Ah! My second car, the love of my life, was a 1976 Berlinetta, metallic green with a tan leather interior and huge mag wheels. It was a three speed and oh did it fly! Actually it did which is how I ended up totaling it after one month. Ah, the memories, they were too short!
February 28, 2009 at 12:22 PM
Blogger Simply Exquisite said...
I will be as blue as a smurf can be to support my friend kicking some cancer ass! Go are awesome :), luv ya and thinking about you always. Hope to talk soon.
March 5, 2009 at 7:27 PM

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